The Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet configures the computer to receive Windows PowerShell remote commands that are sent by using the WS-Management technology.
On Windows Server® 2012, Windows PowerShell remoting is enabled by default. You can use Enable-PSRemoting to enable Windows PowerShell remoting on other supported versions of Windows and to re-enable remoting on Windows Server 2012 if it becomes disabled.
You need to run this command only once on each computer that will receive commands. You do not need to run it on computers that only send commands. Because the configuration activates listeners, it is prudent to run it only where it is needed.
Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet can enable Windows PowerShell remoting on client versions of Windows when the computer is on a public network. For more information, see the description of the SkipNetworkProfileCheck parameter.
The Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet performs the following operations:
— Runs the Set-WSManQuickConfig cmdlet, which performs the following tasks:
—– Starts the WinRM service.
—– Sets the startup type on the WinRM service to Automatic.
—– Creates a listener to accept requests on any IP address.
—– Enables a firewall exception for WS-Management communications.
—– Registers the Microsoft.PowerShell and Microsoft.PowerShell.Workflow session configurations, if it they are not already registered.
—– Registers the Microsoft.PowerShell32 session configuration on 64-bit computers, if it is not already registered.
—– Enables all session configurations.
—– Changes the security descriptor of all session configurations to allow remote access.
—– Restarts the WinRM service to make the preceding changes effective.
To run this cmdlet, start Windows PowerShell with the «Run as administrator» option.