¿Para qué sirve la dll cfgmgr32.dll?

Configuration Manager DLL

Dependencias de la dll cfgmgr32.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        3000 .pdata
        F000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       36000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll cfgmgr32.dll

1    0 00017F80 CMP_GetBlockedDriverInfo
2    1 00017FF0 CMP_GetServerSideDeviceInstallFlags
3    2 00018060 CMP_Init_Detection
4    3 00018700 CMP_RegisterServiceNotification
5    4 00004590 CMP_Register_Notification
6    5 00018080 CMP_Report_LogOn
7    6 00011740 CMP_WaitNoPendingInstallEvents
8    7 000180A0 CMP_WaitServicesAvailable
9    8 00018720 CM_Add_Driver_PackageW
10    9 00018860 CM_Add_Driver_Package_ExW
11    A 00018DB0 CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf
12    B 00018F00 CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex
13    C 000195E0 CM_Add_IDA
14    D 000195F0 CM_Add_IDW
15    E 000196F0 CM_Add_ID_ExA
16    F 00019790 CM_Add_ID_ExW
17   10 0001AB50 CM_Add_Range
18   11 0001C070 CM_Add_Res_Des
19   12 0001C320 CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex
20   13 00018710 CM_Apply_PowerScheme
21   14 000180C0 CM_Connect_MachineA
22   15 00018140 CM_Connect_MachineW
23   16 000197C0 CM_Create_DevNodeA
24   17 000197E0 CM_Create_DevNodeW
25   18 000199C0 CM_Create_DevNode_ExA
26   19 00019A70 CM_Create_DevNode_ExW
27   1A 0001AC60 CM_Create_Range_List
28   1B 0001D390 CM_Delete_Class_Key
29   1C 0001D400 CM_Delete_Class_Key_Ex
30   1D 0001D430 CM_Delete_DevNode_Key
31   1E 0001D540 CM_Delete_DevNode_Key_Ex
32   1F 0001D570 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyA
33   20 0001D580 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyW
34   21 0001D5E0 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExA
35   22 0001D670 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExW
36   23 00018980 CM_Delete_Driver_PackageW
37   24 00018A80 CM_Delete_Driver_Package_ExW
38   25 00018710 CM_Delete_PowerScheme
39   26 0001AD70 CM_Delete_Range
40   27 0001C370 CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict
41   28 0001C3A0 CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict_Ex
42   29 00019AB0 CM_Disable_DevNode
43   2A 00019BE0 CM_Disable_DevNode_Ex
44   2B 000181C0 CM_Disconnect_Machine
45   2C 0001AF50 CM_Dup_Range_List
46   2D 00018710 CM_Duplicate_PowerScheme
47   2E 00019C10 CM_Enable_DevNode
48   2F 00019D30 CM_Enable_DevNode_Ex
49   30 0001D6A0 CM_Enumerate_Classes
50   31 0001D710 CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex
51   32 0001FA80 CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsA
52   33 0001FAA0 CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsW
53   34 0001FB10 CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExA
54   35 0001FBC0 CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExW
55   36 0001B090 CM_Find_Range
56   37 0001B2A0 CM_First_Range
57   38 00018F40 CM_Free_Log_Conf
58   39 00019090 CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex
59   3A 000190C0 CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle
60   3B 0001B3C0 CM_Free_Range_List
61   3C 0001C590 CM_Free_Res_Des
62   3D 0001C750 CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex
63   3E 0001C780 CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle
64   3F 000202A0 CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle
65   40 00002C70 CM_Get_Child
66   41 0001FC00 CM_Get_Child_Ex
67   42 0001D740 CM_Get_Class_Key_NameA
68   43 0001D760 CM_Get_Class_Key_NameW
69   44 0001D810 CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExA
70   45 0001D8B0 CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExW
71   46 0001D8C0 CM_Get_Class_NameA
72   47 0001D8E0 CM_Get_Class_NameW
73   48 0001DA00 CM_Get_Class_Name_ExA
74   49 0001DAB0 CM_Get_Class_Name_ExW
75   4A 00007270 CM_Get_Class_PropertyW
76   4B 00007230 CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW
77   4C 00020CE0 CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys
78   4D 00020DC0 CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex
79   4E 0001DAF0 CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyA
80   4F 0001DC90 CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW
81   50 0001FC30 CM_Get_Depth
82   51 0001FD30 CM_Get_Depth_Ex
83   52 0001DFA0 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_PropertyA
84   53 00006D80 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_PropertyW
85   54 00001150 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_Property_ExA
86   55 00001400 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_Property_ExW
87   56 00008EA0 CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW
88   57 00007960 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_ExW
89   58 00020E00 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys
90   59 00020F20 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys_Ex
91   5A 0001DFD0 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
92   5B 000085E0 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
93   5C 0001E000 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA
94   5D 00011530 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
95   5E 00006520 CM_Get_DevNode_Status
96   5F 00019D60 CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex
97   60 00006820 CM_Get_Device_IDA
98   61 000107B0 CM_Get_Device_IDW
99   62 0001FD60 CM_Get_Device_ID_ExA
100   63 00006BA0 CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW
101   64 0001FE30 CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA
102   65 0000DE10 CM_Get_Device_ID_ListW
103   66 0001FE50 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExA
104   67 0000DDE0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExW
105   68 0001FFA0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeA
106   69 0000E410 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeW
107   6A 0001FFB0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExA
108   6B 00020070 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExW
109   6C 000200A0 CM_Get_Device_ID_Size
110   6D 0000FC20 CM_Get_Device_ID_Size_Ex
111   6E 0001E1D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasA
112   6F 00010400 CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasW
113   70 0001E200 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExA
114   71 000103D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExW
115   72 0001E3B0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListA
116   73 0000EAC0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW
117   74 0001E3E0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExA
118   75 0000EA90 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExW
119   76 0001E540 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeA
120   77 0000F800 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW
121   78 0001E560 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExA
122   79 0000F7D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExW
123   7A 00007820 CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW
124   7B 000077E0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_ExW
125   7C 00020F60 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_KeysW
126   7D 00020FF0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_Keys_ExW
127   7E 000017C0 CM_Get_First_Log_Conf
128   7F 00019150 CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex
129   80 000181E0 CM_Get_Global_State
130   81 00018270 CM_Get_Global_State_Ex
131   82 00021180 CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsA
132   83 000211A0 CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsW
133   84 00021270 CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
134   85 00021310 CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
135   86 00021350 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoA
136   87 00021360 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoW
137   88 000213D0 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExA
138   89 000214A0 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExW
139   8A 00019180 CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority
140   8B 000192D0 CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority_Ex
141   8C 00019300 CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf
142   8D 00019460 CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex
143   8E 0001C810 CM_Get_Next_Res_Des
144   8F 0001C9D0 CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex
145   90 00007430 CM_Get_Parent
146   91 000200B0 CM_Get_Parent_Ex
147   92 0001CA10 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data
148   93 0001CBD0 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex
149   94 0001CC10 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size
150   95 0001CDD0 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex
151   96 00020300 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Count
152   97 00020370 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_DetailsA
153   98 000204E0 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_DetailsW
154   99 00011A00 CM_Get_Sibling
155   9A 000200E0 CM_Get_Sibling_Ex
156   9B 000182A0 CM_Get_Version
157   9C 000182B0 CM_Get_Version_Ex
158   9D 00018710 CM_Import_PowerScheme
159   9E 00021940 CM_Install_DevNodeW
160   9F 00021AD0 CM_Install_DevNode_ExW
161   A0 00018B60 CM_Install_DriverW
162   A1 0001B4E0 CM_Intersect_Range_List
163   A2 0001B740 CM_Invert_Range_List
164   A3 000214D0 CM_Is_Dock_Station_Present
165   A4 000215A0 CM_Is_Dock_Station_Present_Ex
166   A5 000182D0 CM_Is_Version_Available
167   A6 00018300 CM_Is_Version_Available_Ex
168   A7 00020110 CM_Locate_DevNodeA
169   A8 00007980 CM_Locate_DevNodeW
170   A9 00020120 CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA
171   AA 00007940 CM_Locate_DevNode_ExW
172   AB 00010370 CM_MapCrToSpErr
173   AC 000102F0 CM_MapCrToWin32Err
174   AD 0001B900 CM_Merge_Range_List
175   AE 0001CE00 CM_Modify_Res_Des
176   AF 0001D0B0 CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex
177   B0 00018710 CM_Move_DevNode
178   B1 00018710 CM_Move_DevNode_Ex
179   B2 0001BC30 CM_Next_Range
180   B3 0001E6F0 CM_Open_Class_KeyA
181   B4 00002270 CM_Open_Class_KeyW
182   B5 0001E720 CM_Open_Class_Key_ExA
183   B6 0001E7E0 CM_Open_Class_Key_ExW
184   B7 000068F0 CM_Open_DevNode_Key
185   B8 000041B0 CM_Open_DevNode_Key_Ex
186   B9 0001E830 CM_Open_Device_Interface_KeyA
187   BA 00010AF0 CM_Open_Device_Interface_KeyW
188   BB 0001E860 CM_Open_Device_Interface_Key_ExA
189   BC 00010AC0 CM_Open_Device_Interface_Key_ExW
190   BD 00019DA0 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeA
191   BE 00019DD0 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeW
192   BF 00019F40 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExA
193   C0 0001A080 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExW
194   C1 00018320 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data
195   C2 00018440 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data_Ex
196   C3 00018480 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size
197   C4 000185A0 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size_Ex
198   C5 00018710 CM_Query_Remove_SubTree
199   C6 00018710 CM_Query_Remove_SubTree_Ex
200   C7 00020820 CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List
201   C8 0001A0C0 CM_Reenumerate_DevNode
202   C9 0001A1F0 CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex
203   CA 0001A220 CM_Register_Device_Driver
204   CB 0001A320 CM_Register_Device_Driver_Ex
205   CC 0001E910 CM_Register_Device_InterfaceA
206   CD 0001E940 CM_Register_Device_InterfaceW
207   CE 0001EA80 CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExA
208   CF 0001EC40 CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExW
209   D0 00003A30 CM_Register_Notification
210   D1 00018710 CM_Remove_SubTree
211   D2 00018710 CM_Remove_SubTree_Ex
212   D3 0001A350 CM_Request_Device_EjectA
213   D4 0001A380 CM_Request_Device_EjectW
214   D5 0001A4E0 CM_Request_Device_Eject_ExA
215   D6 0001A620 CM_Request_Device_Eject_ExW
216   D7 000215D0 CM_Request_Eject_PC
217   D8 000216A0 CM_Request_Eject_PC_Ex
218   D9 00018710 CM_RestoreAll_DefaultPowerSchemes
219   DA 00018710 CM_Restore_DefaultPowerScheme
220   DB 000185E0 CM_Run_Detection
221   DC 00018600 CM_Run_Detection_Ex
222   DD 00018710 CM_Set_ActiveScheme
223   DE 00021030 CM_Set_Class_PropertyW
224   DF 00021130 CM_Set_Class_Property_ExW
225   E0 0001EC90 CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyA
226   E1 0001EE00 CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyW
227   E2 0001A660 CM_Set_DevNode_Problem
228   E3 0001A7A0 CM_Set_DevNode_Problem_Ex
229   E4 00012A40 CM_Set_DevNode_PropertyW
230   E5 00012A00 CM_Set_DevNode_Property_ExW
231   E6 0001F1A0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
232   E7 0001F1D0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
233   E8 0001F5B0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA
234   E9 0001F740 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
235   EA 00012CC0 CM_Set_Device_Interface_PropertyW
236   EB 00012C80 CM_Set_Device_Interface_Property_ExW
237   EC 000216D0 CM_Set_HW_Prof
238   ED 000216F0 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Ex
239   EE 00021720 CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsA
240   EF 00021740 CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsW
241   F0 00021860 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
242   F1 00021900 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
243   F2 0001A7D0 CM_Setup_DevNode
244   F3 0001A900 CM_Setup_DevNode_Ex
245   F4 0001BD50 CM_Test_Range_Available
246   F5 0001A930 CM_Uninstall_DevNode
247   F6 0001AA20 CM_Uninstall_DevNode_Ex
248   F7 00018C70 CM_Uninstall_DriverW
249   F8 0001F780 CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceA
250   F9 0001F790 CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceW
251   FA 0001F7F0 CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExA
252   FB 0001F8C0 CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExW
253   FC 00003720 CM_Unregister_Notification
254   FD 00018710 CM_Write_UserPowerKey
255   FE 00010620 DevCloseObjectQuery
256   FF 00003B30 DevCreateObjectQuery
257  100 00002190 DevCreateObjectQueryEx
258  101 00012F20 DevCreateObjectQueryFromId
259  102 00012F90 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIdEx
260  103 0002BF50 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIds
261  104 0002BFC0 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIdsEx
262  105 0000FB40 DevFindProperty
263  106 0000F9C0 DevFreeObjectProperties
264  107 00010270 DevFreeObjects
265  108 00004EB0 DevGetObjectProperties
266  109 0002C0E0 DevGetObjectPropertiesEx
267  10A 00001C10 DevGetObjects
268  10B 00001C70 DevGetObjectsEx
269  10C 000107F0 DevSetObjectProperties
270  10D 000130D0 SwDeviceClose
271  10E 00011E00 SwDeviceCreate
272  10F 0002D2B0 SwDeviceGetLifetime
273  110 000128A0 SwDeviceInterfacePropertySet
274  111 00012630 SwDeviceInterfaceRegister
275  112 000124F0 SwDeviceInterfaceSetState
276  113 00011CC0 SwDevicePropertySet
277  114 00013080 SwDeviceSetLifetime
278  115 000038F0 SwMemFree

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll cfgmgr32.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for CFGMGR32.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    44BDC47E time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         278 number of functions
         278 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 00017F80 CMP_GetBlockedDriverInfo
          2    1 00017FF0 CMP_GetServerSideDeviceInstallFlags
          3    2 00018060 CMP_Init_Detection
          4    3 00018700 CMP_RegisterServiceNotification
          5    4 00004590 CMP_Register_Notification
          6    5 00018080 CMP_Report_LogOn
          7    6 00011740 CMP_WaitNoPendingInstallEvents
          8    7 000180A0 CMP_WaitServicesAvailable
          9    8 00018720 CM_Add_Driver_PackageW
         10    9 00018860 CM_Add_Driver_Package_ExW
         11    A 00018DB0 CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf
         12    B 00018F00 CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex
         13    C 000195E0 CM_Add_IDA
         14    D 000195F0 CM_Add_IDW
         15    E 000196F0 CM_Add_ID_ExA
         16    F 00019790 CM_Add_ID_ExW
         17   10 0001AB50 CM_Add_Range
         18   11 0001C070 CM_Add_Res_Des
         19   12 0001C320 CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex
         20   13 00018710 CM_Apply_PowerScheme
         21   14 000180C0 CM_Connect_MachineA
         22   15 00018140 CM_Connect_MachineW
         23   16 000197C0 CM_Create_DevNodeA
         24   17 000197E0 CM_Create_DevNodeW
         25   18 000199C0 CM_Create_DevNode_ExA
         26   19 00019A70 CM_Create_DevNode_ExW
         27   1A 0001AC60 CM_Create_Range_List
         28   1B 0001D390 CM_Delete_Class_Key
         29   1C 0001D400 CM_Delete_Class_Key_Ex
         30   1D 0001D430 CM_Delete_DevNode_Key
         31   1E 0001D540 CM_Delete_DevNode_Key_Ex
         32   1F 0001D570 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyA
         33   20 0001D580 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_KeyW
         34   21 0001D5E0 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExA
         35   22 0001D670 CM_Delete_Device_Interface_Key_ExW
         36   23 00018980 CM_Delete_Driver_PackageW
         37   24 00018A80 CM_Delete_Driver_Package_ExW
         38   25 00018710 CM_Delete_PowerScheme
         39   26 0001AD70 CM_Delete_Range
         40   27 0001C370 CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict
         41   28 0001C3A0 CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict_Ex
         42   29 00019AB0 CM_Disable_DevNode
         43   2A 00019BE0 CM_Disable_DevNode_Ex
         44   2B 000181C0 CM_Disconnect_Machine
         45   2C 0001AF50 CM_Dup_Range_List
         46   2D 00018710 CM_Duplicate_PowerScheme
         47   2E 00019C10 CM_Enable_DevNode
         48   2F 00019D30 CM_Enable_DevNode_Ex
         49   30 0001D6A0 CM_Enumerate_Classes
         50   31 0001D710 CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex
         51   32 0001FA80 CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsA
         52   33 0001FAA0 CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsW
         53   34 0001FB10 CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExA
         54   35 0001FBC0 CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExW
         55   36 0001B090 CM_Find_Range
         56   37 0001B2A0 CM_First_Range
         57   38 00018F40 CM_Free_Log_Conf
         58   39 00019090 CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex
         59   3A 000190C0 CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle
         60   3B 0001B3C0 CM_Free_Range_List
         61   3C 0001C590 CM_Free_Res_Des
         62   3D 0001C750 CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex
         63   3E 0001C780 CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle
         64   3F 000202A0 CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle
         65   40 00002C70 CM_Get_Child
         66   41 0001FC00 CM_Get_Child_Ex
         67   42 0001D740 CM_Get_Class_Key_NameA
         68   43 0001D760 CM_Get_Class_Key_NameW
         69   44 0001D810 CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExA
         70   45 0001D8B0 CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExW
         71   46 0001D8C0 CM_Get_Class_NameA
         72   47 0001D8E0 CM_Get_Class_NameW
         73   48 0001DA00 CM_Get_Class_Name_ExA
         74   49 0001DAB0 CM_Get_Class_Name_ExW
         75   4A 00007270 CM_Get_Class_PropertyW
         76   4B 00007230 CM_Get_Class_Property_ExW
         77   4C 00020CE0 CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys
         78   4D 00020DC0 CM_Get_Class_Property_Keys_Ex
         79   4E 0001DAF0 CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyA
         80   4F 0001DC90 CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW
         81   50 0001FC30 CM_Get_Depth
         82   51 0001FD30 CM_Get_Depth_Ex
         83   52 0001DFA0 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_PropertyA
         84   53 00006D80 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_PropertyW
         85   54 00001150 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_Property_ExA
         86   55 00001400 CM_Get_DevNode_Custom_Property_ExW
         87   56 00008EA0 CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW
         88   57 00007960 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_ExW
         89   58 00020E00 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys
         90   59 00020F20 CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys_Ex
         91   5A 0001DFD0 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
         92   5B 000085E0 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
         93   5C 0001E000 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA
         94   5D 00011530 CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
         95   5E 00006520 CM_Get_DevNode_Status
         96   5F 00019D60 CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex
         97   60 00006820 CM_Get_Device_IDA
         98   61 000107B0 CM_Get_Device_IDW
         99   62 0001FD60 CM_Get_Device_ID_ExA
        100   63 00006BA0 CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW
        101   64 0001FE30 CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA
        102   65 0000DE10 CM_Get_Device_ID_ListW
        103   66 0001FE50 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExA
        104   67 0000DDE0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExW
        105   68 0001FFA0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeA
        106   69 0000E410 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeW
        107   6A 0001FFB0 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExA
        108   6B 00020070 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExW
        109   6C 000200A0 CM_Get_Device_ID_Size
        110   6D 0000FC20 CM_Get_Device_ID_Size_Ex
        111   6E 0001E1D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasA
        112   6F 00010400 CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasW
        113   70 0001E200 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExA
        114   71 000103D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExW
        115   72 0001E3B0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListA
        116   73 0000EAC0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW
        117   74 0001E3E0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExA
        118   75 0000EA90 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExW
        119   76 0001E540 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeA
        120   77 0000F800 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW
        121   78 0001E560 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExA
        122   79 0000F7D0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExW
        123   7A 00007820 CM_Get_Device_Interface_PropertyW
        124   7B 000077E0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_ExW
        125   7C 00020F60 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_KeysW
        126   7D 00020FF0 CM_Get_Device_Interface_Property_Keys_ExW
        127   7E 000017C0 CM_Get_First_Log_Conf
        128   7F 00019150 CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex
        129   80 000181E0 CM_Get_Global_State
        130   81 00018270 CM_Get_Global_State_Ex
        131   82 00021180 CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsA
        132   83 000211A0 CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsW
        133   84 00021270 CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
        134   85 00021310 CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
        135   86 00021350 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoA
        136   87 00021360 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoW
        137   88 000213D0 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExA
        138   89 000214A0 CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExW
        139   8A 00019180 CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority
        140   8B 000192D0 CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority_Ex
        141   8C 00019300 CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf
        142   8D 00019460 CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex
        143   8E 0001C810 CM_Get_Next_Res_Des
        144   8F 0001C9D0 CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex
        145   90 00007430 CM_Get_Parent
        146   91 000200B0 CM_Get_Parent_Ex
        147   92 0001CA10 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data
        148   93 0001CBD0 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex
        149   94 0001CC10 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size
        150   95 0001CDD0 CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex
        151   96 00020300 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Count
        152   97 00020370 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_DetailsA
        153   98 000204E0 CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_DetailsW
        154   99 00011A00 CM_Get_Sibling
        155   9A 000200E0 CM_Get_Sibling_Ex
        156   9B 000182A0 CM_Get_Version
        157   9C 000182B0 CM_Get_Version_Ex
        158   9D 00018710 CM_Import_PowerScheme
        159   9E 00021940 CM_Install_DevNodeW
        160   9F 00021AD0 CM_Install_DevNode_ExW
        161   A0 00018B60 CM_Install_DriverW
        162   A1 0001B4E0 CM_Intersect_Range_List
        163   A2 0001B740 CM_Invert_Range_List
        164   A3 000214D0 CM_Is_Dock_Station_Present
        165   A4 000215A0 CM_Is_Dock_Station_Present_Ex
        166   A5 000182D0 CM_Is_Version_Available
        167   A6 00018300 CM_Is_Version_Available_Ex
        168   A7 00020110 CM_Locate_DevNodeA
        169   A8 00007980 CM_Locate_DevNodeW
        170   A9 00020120 CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA
        171   AA 00007940 CM_Locate_DevNode_ExW
        172   AB 00010370 CM_MapCrToSpErr
        173   AC 000102F0 CM_MapCrToWin32Err
        174   AD 0001B900 CM_Merge_Range_List
        175   AE 0001CE00 CM_Modify_Res_Des
        176   AF 0001D0B0 CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex
        177   B0 00018710 CM_Move_DevNode
        178   B1 00018710 CM_Move_DevNode_Ex
        179   B2 0001BC30 CM_Next_Range
        180   B3 0001E6F0 CM_Open_Class_KeyA
        181   B4 00002270 CM_Open_Class_KeyW
        182   B5 0001E720 CM_Open_Class_Key_ExA
        183   B6 0001E7E0 CM_Open_Class_Key_ExW
        184   B7 000068F0 CM_Open_DevNode_Key
        185   B8 000041B0 CM_Open_DevNode_Key_Ex
        186   B9 0001E830 CM_Open_Device_Interface_KeyA
        187   BA 00010AF0 CM_Open_Device_Interface_KeyW
        188   BB 0001E860 CM_Open_Device_Interface_Key_ExA
        189   BC 00010AC0 CM_Open_Device_Interface_Key_ExW
        190   BD 00019DA0 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeA
        191   BE 00019DD0 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeW
        192   BF 00019F40 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExA
        193   C0 0001A080 CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExW
        194   C1 00018320 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data
        195   C2 00018440 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data_Ex
        196   C3 00018480 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size
        197   C4 000185A0 CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size_Ex
        198   C5 00018710 CM_Query_Remove_SubTree
        199   C6 00018710 CM_Query_Remove_SubTree_Ex
        200   C7 00020820 CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List
        201   C8 0001A0C0 CM_Reenumerate_DevNode
        202   C9 0001A1F0 CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex
        203   CA 0001A220 CM_Register_Device_Driver
        204   CB 0001A320 CM_Register_Device_Driver_Ex
        205   CC 0001E910 CM_Register_Device_InterfaceA
        206   CD 0001E940 CM_Register_Device_InterfaceW
        207   CE 0001EA80 CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExA
        208   CF 0001EC40 CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExW
        209   D0 00003A30 CM_Register_Notification
        210   D1 00018710 CM_Remove_SubTree
        211   D2 00018710 CM_Remove_SubTree_Ex
        212   D3 0001A350 CM_Request_Device_EjectA
        213   D4 0001A380 CM_Request_Device_EjectW
        214   D5 0001A4E0 CM_Request_Device_Eject_ExA
        215   D6 0001A620 CM_Request_Device_Eject_ExW
        216   D7 000215D0 CM_Request_Eject_PC
        217   D8 000216A0 CM_Request_Eject_PC_Ex
        218   D9 00018710 CM_RestoreAll_DefaultPowerSchemes
        219   DA 00018710 CM_Restore_DefaultPowerScheme
        220   DB 000185E0 CM_Run_Detection
        221   DC 00018600 CM_Run_Detection_Ex
        222   DD 00018710 CM_Set_ActiveScheme
        223   DE 00021030 CM_Set_Class_PropertyW
        224   DF 00021130 CM_Set_Class_Property_ExW
        225   E0 0001EC90 CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyA
        226   E1 0001EE00 CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyW
        227   E2 0001A660 CM_Set_DevNode_Problem
        228   E3 0001A7A0 CM_Set_DevNode_Problem_Ex
        229   E4 00012A40 CM_Set_DevNode_PropertyW
        230   E5 00012A00 CM_Set_DevNode_Property_ExW
        231   E6 0001F1A0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
        232   E7 0001F1D0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
        233   E8 0001F5B0 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA
        234   E9 0001F740 CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
        235   EA 00012CC0 CM_Set_Device_Interface_PropertyW
        236   EB 00012C80 CM_Set_Device_Interface_Property_ExW
        237   EC 000216D0 CM_Set_HW_Prof
        238   ED 000216F0 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Ex
        239   EE 00021720 CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsA
        240   EF 00021740 CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsW
        241   F0 00021860 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
        242   F1 00021900 CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
        243   F2 0001A7D0 CM_Setup_DevNode
        244   F3 0001A900 CM_Setup_DevNode_Ex
        245   F4 0001BD50 CM_Test_Range_Available
        246   F5 0001A930 CM_Uninstall_DevNode
        247   F6 0001AA20 CM_Uninstall_DevNode_Ex
        248   F7 00018C70 CM_Uninstall_DriverW
        249   F8 0001F780 CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceA
        250   F9 0001F790 CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceW
        251   FA 0001F7F0 CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExA
        252   FB 0001F8C0 CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExW
        253   FC 00003720 CM_Unregister_Notification
        254   FD 00018710 CM_Write_UserPowerKey
        255   FE 00010620 DevCloseObjectQuery
        256   FF 00003B30 DevCreateObjectQuery
        257  100 00002190 DevCreateObjectQueryEx
        258  101 00012F20 DevCreateObjectQueryFromId
        259  102 00012F90 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIdEx
        260  103 0002BF50 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIds
        261  104 0002BFC0 DevCreateObjectQueryFromIdsEx
        262  105 0000FB40 DevFindProperty
        263  106 0000F9C0 DevFreeObjectProperties
        264  107 00010270 DevFreeObjects
        265  108 00004EB0 DevGetObjectProperties
        266  109 0002C0E0 DevGetObjectPropertiesEx
        267  10A 00001C10 DevGetObjects
        268  10B 00001C70 DevGetObjectsEx
        269  10C 000107F0 DevSetObjectProperties
        270  10D 000130D0 SwDeviceClose
        271  10E 00011E00 SwDeviceCreate
        272  10F 0002D2B0 SwDeviceGetLifetime
        273  110 000128A0 SwDeviceInterfacePropertySet
        274  111 00012630 SwDeviceInterfaceRegister
        275  112 000124F0 SwDeviceInterfaceSetState
        276  113 00011CC0 SwDevicePropertySet
        277  114 00013080 SwDeviceSetLifetime
        278  115 000038F0 SwMemFree


        2000 .data
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Integridad de la dll cfgmgr32.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          192734B25E4891794EC5156196E13AA84E8D9E1C939B29F34E7952EE7839DB14       C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll             

Detalles sobre el fichero dll cfgmgr32.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : cfgmgr32.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll
                    InternalName:     cfgmgr32.dll
                    OriginalFilename: CFGMGR32.DLL
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.546 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Configuration Manager DLL
                    Product:          Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.546
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Inglés (Estados Unidos)
BaseName          : cfgmgr32
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-onecore-pnp-devicemanagement_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.546_none_215a3cb7bcc
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : cfgmgr32.dll
Length            : 305272
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:44:27
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:44:27
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 9:05:12
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 8:05:12
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:44:27
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:44:27
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll cfgmgr32.dll
