¿Para qué sirve la dll fveapi.dll?

Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API

Dependencias de la dll fveapi.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        8000 .pdata
       2F000 .rdata
        2000 .reloc
        6000 .rsrc
       B1000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll fveapi.dll

11    0 00020AD0 FveAddAuthMethodInformation
12    1 00042CA0 FveAddAuthMethodSid
13    2 00006260 FveApplyGroupPolicy
14    3 00002180 FveApplyNkpCertChanges
15    4 00042E00 FveAttemptAutoUnlock
16    5 00041250 FveAuthElementFromPassPhraseW
17    6 00041310 FveAuthElementFromPinW
18    7 0000C370 FveAuthElementFromRecoveryPasswordW
19    8 000413F0 FveAuthElementGetKeyFileNameW
20    9 000414D0 FveAuthElementReadExternalKeyW
21    A 0000C2D0 FveAuthElementToRecoveryPasswordW
22    B 000415C0 FveAuthElementWriteExternalKeyW
23    C 00042EF0 FveBackupRecoveryInformationToAD
24    D 00042FF0 FveBackupRecoveryInformationToADEx
25    E 00043120 FveBindDataVolume
26    F 00041680 FveCanPinExceptionPolicyBeApplied
27   10 00026100 FveCanStandardUsersChangePassphraseByProxy
28   11 000260A0 FveCanStandardUsersChangePin
29   12 00043230 FveCheckADRecoveryInfoBackupPolicy
30   13 00043320 FveCheckADRecoveryInfoBackupPolicyEx
31   14 00043400 FveCheckPassphrasePolicy
32   15 000434E0 FveCheckTpmCapability
33   16 00041690 FveClearUserFlags
34   17 000281C0 FveCloseHandle
35   18 00028140 FveCloseVolume
36   19 00020A10 FveCommitChanges
37   1A 00020A20 FveCommitChangesEx
38   1B 000416A0 FveConversionDecrypt
39   1C 000416B0 FveConversionDecryptEx
40   1D 000435C0 FveConversionEncrypt
41   1E 00001C10 FveConversionEncryptEx
42   1F 00043650 FveConversionEncryptPendingReboot
43   20 00043660 FveConversionEncryptPendingRebootEx
44   21 000417B0 FveConversionPause
45   22 000418A0 FveConversionResume
46   23 00041990 FveConversionStop
47   24 000419A0 FveConversionStopEx
48   25 00043740 FveDecrementClearKeyCounter
49   26 00043810 FveDeleteAuthMethod
50   27 00043920 FveDeleteDeviceEncryptionOptOutForVolumeW
51   28 00043A70 FveDisableDeviceLockoutState
52   29 00041AA0 FveDiscardChanges
53   2A 00043B50 FveDraCertPresentInRegistry
54   2B 00041B80 FveEnableRawAccess
55   2C 00041B90 FveEnableRawAccessEx
56   2D 00041C80 FveEnableRawAccessW
57   2E 0000AEC0 FveEraseDrive
58   2F 00043C00 FveEscrowEncryptedRecoveryKeyForRetailUnlock
59   30 0001CD60 FveFindFirstVolume
60   31 0001D380 FveFindNextVolume
61   32 0000A7F0 FveFlagsToProtectorType
62   33 00043CB0 FveGenerateNbp
63   34 00002440 FveGenerateNkpSessionKeys
64   35 0001F030 FveGetAllowKeyExport
65   36 0001F2E0 FveGetAuthMethodGuids
66   37 0001F210 FveGetAuthMethodInformation
67   38 00043DA0 FveGetAuthMethodSid
68   39 00043EA0 FveGetAuthMethodSidInformation
69   3A 000206E0 FveGetClearKeyCounter
70   3B 00041D80 FveGetDataSet
71   3C 00044050 FveGetDescriptionW
72   3D 00044160 FveGetDeviceLockoutData
73   3E 00044250 FveGetExternalKeyBlob
74   3F 00041E90 FveGetFipsAllowDisabled
75   40 0000F2A0 FveGetFveMethod
76   41 00041F40 FveGetFveMethodEDrv
77   42 0000F350 FveGetFveMethodEx
78   43 0000D010 FveGetIdentificationFieldW
79   44 0000B2F0 FveGetIdentity
80   45 00042040 FveGetKeyPackage
81   46 00042160 FveGetRecoveryPasswordBackupInformation
82   47 00029870 FveGetSecureBootBindingState
83   48 000233B0 FveGetStatus
84   49 00042250 FveGetStatusW
85   4A 00041690 FveGetUserFlags
86   4B 0001D8F0 FveGetVolumeNameW
87   4C 00044310 FveInitVolume
88   4D 00002AF0 FveInitVolumeEx
89   4E 000443B0 FveInitializeDeviceEncryption
90   4F 00044600 FveInitializeDeviceEncryption2
91   50 000447B0 FveIsAnyDataVolumeBoundToOSVolume
92   51 0000D970 FveIsBoundDataVolume
93   52 000448A0 FveIsBoundDataVolumeToOSVolume
94   53 000449C0 FveIsDeviceLockable
95   54 00044AC0 FveIsDeviceLockedOut
96   55 00042370 FveIsHardwareReadyForConversion
97   56 00044BA0 FveIsHybridVolume
98   57 00044CB0 FveIsHybridVolumeW
99   58 00042400 FveIsPassphraseCompatibleW
100   59 000424D0 FveIsRecoveryPasswordGroupValidW
101   5A 0000AC10 FveIsRecoveryPasswordValidW
102   5B 00044DB0 FveIsSchemaExtInstalled
103   5C 00026FB0 FveIsVolumeEncryptable
104   5D 00044E60 FveKeyManagement
105   5E 00044FA0 FveLockDevice
106   5F 00009AE0 FveLockVolume
107   60 00045070 FveLogRecoveryReason
108   61 00045170 FveNeedsDiscoveryVolumeUpdate
109   62 0000AF70 FveNotifyVolumeAfterFormat
110   63 0001DB50 FveOpenVolumeByHandle
111   64 00021D50 FveOpenVolumeExW
112   65 00021D20 FveOpenVolumeW
113   66 0001F4F0 FveProtectorTypeToFlags
114   67 00045280 FveQuery
115   68 00025360 FveQueryDeviceEncryptionSupport
116   69 00045340 FveRecalculateOffsetsAndMoveMetadata
117   6A 0001FC10 FveRegenerateNbpSessionKey
118   6B 00045460 FveResetTpmDictionaryAttackParameters
119   6C 00042590 FveRevertVolume
120   6D 00042660 FveSaveRecoveryPasswordBackupFlag
121   6E 00042750 FveSelectBestRecoveryPasswordByBackupInformation
122   6F 000455A0 FveServiceDiscoveryVolume
123   70 0001F160 FveSetAllowKeyExport
124   71 00045670 FveSetDescriptionW
125   72 000297C0 FveSetFipsAllowDisabled
126   73 00018A10 FveSetFveMethod
127   74 00045770 FveSetIdentificationFieldW
128   75 00042830 FveSetRecoveryPasswordBackupInformation
129   76 00041690 FveSetUserFlags
130   77 0001F830 FveSysClearUserFlags
131   78 00020680 FveSysCloseVolume
132   79 0001F3B0 FveSysGetUserFlags
133   7A 00045880 FveSysOpenVolumeW
134   7B 0001F8D0 FveSysSetUserFlags
135   7C 00045930 FveUnbindAllDataVolumeFromOSVolume
136   7D 00045E10 FveUnbindDataVolume
137   7E 00020E20 FveUnlockVolume
138   7F 00045EF0 FveUnlockVolumeAuthMethodSid
139   80 00045FE0 FveUnlockVolumeWithAccessMode
140   81 0001FFB0 FveUpdateBandIdBcd
141   82 00046130 FveUpdateDeviceLockoutState
142   83 000461E0 FveUpdateDeviceLockoutStateEx
143   84 000462F0 FveUpdatePinW
144   85 00042940 FveUpgradeVolume
145   86 00046400 FveValidateDeviceLockoutState
146   87 000464D0 FveValidateExistingPassphraseW
147   88 000465E0 FveValidateExistingPinW
1   89 00041140 InternalFveIsVolumeEncrypted
2   8A 00076A20 NgscbCheckDmaSecurity
3   8B 00076A30 NgscbCheckDmaSecurityEx
4   8C 00076B20 NgscbCheckHSTIPrerequisitesVerified
5   8D 000259A0 NgscbCheckIsAOACDevice
6   8E 00025840 NgscbCheckIsHSTIVerified
7   8F 00077CD0 NgscbCheckPreventDeviceEncryption
8   90 00077D90 NgscbCheckPreventDeviceEncryptionForAad
9   91 00079640 NgscbGetWinReConfiguration
10   92 00025A90 NgscbIsHostOsOnRoamableDrive

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll fveapi.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for FVEAPI.dll

    00000000 characteristics
     D5121BE time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         147 number of functions
         147 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

         11    0 00020AD0 FveAddAuthMethodInformation
         12    1 00042CA0 FveAddAuthMethodSid
         13    2 00006260 FveApplyGroupPolicy
         14    3 00002180 FveApplyNkpCertChanges
         15    4 00042E00 FveAttemptAutoUnlock
         16    5 00041250 FveAuthElementFromPassPhraseW
         17    6 00041310 FveAuthElementFromPinW
         18    7 0000C370 FveAuthElementFromRecoveryPasswordW
         19    8 000413F0 FveAuthElementGetKeyFileNameW
         20    9 000414D0 FveAuthElementReadExternalKeyW
         21    A 0000C2D0 FveAuthElementToRecoveryPasswordW
         22    B 000415C0 FveAuthElementWriteExternalKeyW
         23    C 00042EF0 FveBackupRecoveryInformationToAD
         24    D 00042FF0 FveBackupRecoveryInformationToADEx
         25    E 00043120 FveBindDataVolume
         26    F 00041680 FveCanPinExceptionPolicyBeApplied
         27   10 00026100 FveCanStandardUsersChangePassphraseByProxy
         28   11 000260A0 FveCanStandardUsersChangePin
         29   12 00043230 FveCheckADRecoveryInfoBackupPolicy
         30   13 00043320 FveCheckADRecoveryInfoBackupPolicyEx
         31   14 00043400 FveCheckPassphrasePolicy
         32   15 000434E0 FveCheckTpmCapability
         33   16 00041690 FveClearUserFlags
         34   17 000281C0 FveCloseHandle
         35   18 00028140 FveCloseVolume
         36   19 00020A10 FveCommitChanges
         37   1A 00020A20 FveCommitChangesEx
         38   1B 000416A0 FveConversionDecrypt
         39   1C 000416B0 FveConversionDecryptEx
         40   1D 000435C0 FveConversionEncrypt
         41   1E 00001C10 FveConversionEncryptEx
         42   1F 00043650 FveConversionEncryptPendingReboot
         43   20 00043660 FveConversionEncryptPendingRebootEx
         44   21 000417B0 FveConversionPause
         45   22 000418A0 FveConversionResume
         46   23 00041990 FveConversionStop
         47   24 000419A0 FveConversionStopEx
         48   25 00043740 FveDecrementClearKeyCounter
         49   26 00043810 FveDeleteAuthMethod
         50   27 00043920 FveDeleteDeviceEncryptionOptOutForVolumeW
         51   28 00043A70 FveDisableDeviceLockoutState
         52   29 00041AA0 FveDiscardChanges
         53   2A 00043B50 FveDraCertPresentInRegistry
         54   2B 00041B80 FveEnableRawAccess
         55   2C 00041B90 FveEnableRawAccessEx
         56   2D 00041C80 FveEnableRawAccessW
         57   2E 0000AEC0 FveEraseDrive
         58   2F 00043C00 FveEscrowEncryptedRecoveryKeyForRetailUnlock
         59   30 0001CD60 FveFindFirstVolume
         60   31 0001D380 FveFindNextVolume
         61   32 0000A7F0 FveFlagsToProtectorType
         62   33 00043CB0 FveGenerateNbp
         63   34 00002440 FveGenerateNkpSessionKeys
         64   35 0001F030 FveGetAllowKeyExport
         65   36 0001F2E0 FveGetAuthMethodGuids
         66   37 0001F210 FveGetAuthMethodInformation
         67   38 00043DA0 FveGetAuthMethodSid
         68   39 00043EA0 FveGetAuthMethodSidInformation
         69   3A 000206E0 FveGetClearKeyCounter
         70   3B 00041D80 FveGetDataSet
         71   3C 00044050 FveGetDescriptionW
         72   3D 00044160 FveGetDeviceLockoutData
         73   3E 00044250 FveGetExternalKeyBlob
         74   3F 00041E90 FveGetFipsAllowDisabled
         75   40 0000F2A0 FveGetFveMethod
         76   41 00041F40 FveGetFveMethodEDrv
         77   42 0000F350 FveGetFveMethodEx
         78   43 0000D010 FveGetIdentificationFieldW
         79   44 0000B2F0 FveGetIdentity
         80   45 00042040 FveGetKeyPackage
         81   46 00042160 FveGetRecoveryPasswordBackupInformation
         82   47 00029870 FveGetSecureBootBindingState
         83   48 000233B0 FveGetStatus
         84   49 00042250 FveGetStatusW
         85   4A 00041690 FveGetUserFlags
         86   4B 0001D8F0 FveGetVolumeNameW
         87   4C 00044310 FveInitVolume
         88   4D 00002AF0 FveInitVolumeEx
         89   4E 000443B0 FveInitializeDeviceEncryption
         90   4F 00044600 FveInitializeDeviceEncryption2
         91   50 000447B0 FveIsAnyDataVolumeBoundToOSVolume
         92   51 0000D970 FveIsBoundDataVolume
         93   52 000448A0 FveIsBoundDataVolumeToOSVolume
         94   53 000449C0 FveIsDeviceLockable
         95   54 00044AC0 FveIsDeviceLockedOut
         96   55 00042370 FveIsHardwareReadyForConversion
         97   56 00044BA0 FveIsHybridVolume
         98   57 00044CB0 FveIsHybridVolumeW
         99   58 00042400 FveIsPassphraseCompatibleW
        100   59 000424D0 FveIsRecoveryPasswordGroupValidW
        101   5A 0000AC10 FveIsRecoveryPasswordValidW
        102   5B 00044DB0 FveIsSchemaExtInstalled
        103   5C 00026FB0 FveIsVolumeEncryptable
        104   5D 00044E60 FveKeyManagement
        105   5E 00044FA0 FveLockDevice
        106   5F 00009AE0 FveLockVolume
        107   60 00045070 FveLogRecoveryReason
        108   61 00045170 FveNeedsDiscoveryVolumeUpdate
        109   62 0000AF70 FveNotifyVolumeAfterFormat
        110   63 0001DB50 FveOpenVolumeByHandle
        111   64 00021D50 FveOpenVolumeExW
        112   65 00021D20 FveOpenVolumeW
        113   66 0001F4F0 FveProtectorTypeToFlags
        114   67 00045280 FveQuery
        115   68 00025360 FveQueryDeviceEncryptionSupport
        116   69 00045340 FveRecalculateOffsetsAndMoveMetadata
        117   6A 0001FC10 FveRegenerateNbpSessionKey
        118   6B 00045460 FveResetTpmDictionaryAttackParameters
        119   6C 00042590 FveRevertVolume
        120   6D 00042660 FveSaveRecoveryPasswordBackupFlag
        121   6E 00042750 FveSelectBestRecoveryPasswordByBackupInformation
        122   6F 000455A0 FveServiceDiscoveryVolume
        123   70 0001F160 FveSetAllowKeyExport
        124   71 00045670 FveSetDescriptionW
        125   72 000297C0 FveSetFipsAllowDisabled
        126   73 00018A10 FveSetFveMethod
        127   74 00045770 FveSetIdentificationFieldW
        128   75 00042830 FveSetRecoveryPasswordBackupInformation
        129   76 00041690 FveSetUserFlags
        130   77 0001F830 FveSysClearUserFlags
        131   78 00020680 FveSysCloseVolume
        132   79 0001F3B0 FveSysGetUserFlags
        133   7A 00045880 FveSysOpenVolumeW
        134   7B 0001F8D0 FveSysSetUserFlags
        135   7C 00045930 FveUnbindAllDataVolumeFromOSVolume
        136   7D 00045E10 FveUnbindDataVolume
        137   7E 00020E20 FveUnlockVolume
        138   7F 00045EF0 FveUnlockVolumeAuthMethodSid
        139   80 00045FE0 FveUnlockVolumeWithAccessMode
        140   81 0001FFB0 FveUpdateBandIdBcd
        141   82 00046130 FveUpdateDeviceLockoutState
        142   83 000461E0 FveUpdateDeviceLockoutStateEx
        143   84 000462F0 FveUpdatePinW
        144   85 00042940 FveUpgradeVolume
        145   86 00046400 FveValidateDeviceLockoutState
        146   87 000464D0 FveValidateExistingPassphraseW
        147   88 000465E0 FveValidateExistingPinW
          1   89 00041140 InternalFveIsVolumeEncrypted
          2   8A 00076A20 NgscbCheckDmaSecurity
          3   8B 00076A30 NgscbCheckDmaSecurityEx
          4   8C 00076B20 NgscbCheckHSTIPrerequisitesVerified
          5   8D 000259A0 NgscbCheckIsAOACDevice
          6   8E 00025840 NgscbCheckIsHSTIVerified
          7   8F 00077CD0 NgscbCheckPreventDeviceEncryption
          8   90 00077D90 NgscbCheckPreventDeviceEncryptionForAad
          9   91 00079640 NgscbGetWinReConfiguration
         10   92 00025A90 NgscbIsHostOsOnRoamableDrive


        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        8000 .pdata
       2F000 .rdata
        2000 .reloc
        6000 .rsrc
       B1000 .text

Integridad de la dll fveapi.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          8A8C5C5110F810EDD0A73F231F0FBB07D8CDFB060D6B1522B8DA32AA687AAE65       C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll               

Detalles sobre el fichero dll fveapi.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : fveapi.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll
                    InternalName:     FVEAPI.DLL
                    OriginalFilename: FVEAPI.DLL.MUI
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API
                    Product:          Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.1
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Inglés (Estados Unidos)
BaseName          : fveapi
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-securestartup-core_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.546_none_12d3ece950ee4
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : fveapi.dll
Length            : 977920
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:49:09
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:49:09
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 10:50:51
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 9:50:51
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:49:10
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:49:10
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll fveapi.dll