¿Para qué sirve la dll fwbase.dll?

Firewall Base DLL

Dependencias de la dll fwbase.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        1000 .data
        1000 .didat
        2000 .pdata
        9000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       1F000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll fwbase.dll

4    0 00006900 FWIndicatePortInUse_Helper
5    1 000066C0 FwAddrChangeSourceInitialize
6    2 000170C0 FwAddrChangeSourceShutdown
7    3 00005BD0 FwAddrChangeSourceSignal
8    4 000031C0 FwAlloc
9    5 00001800 FwAllocArray
10    6 000019D0 FwAllocCheckSize
11    7 000030C0 FwArrayAppend
12    8 00005870 FwArrayCat
13    9 00002A10 FwArrayCopy
14    A 000153D0 FwArrayCreateFromRegistry
15    B 000018A0 FwArrayDestroy
16    C 000155C0 FwArrayErase
17    D 00018DF0 FwAuthSuiteEmpty
18    E 00018E00 FwAuthSuiteEmptyByVersion
19    F 00017D00 FwAuthorizedAppEncode
20   10 000031C0 FwBaseAlloc
21   11 000019D0 FwBaseAllocCheckSize
22   12 00003080 FwBaseFree
23   13 00005B10 FwBoolIsEqual
24   14 000138E0 FwBuildIndirectString
25   15 00005A70 FwCanonizeAuthorizedApps
26   16 000012D0 FwChangeSinkCreate
27   17 00017100 FwChangeSinkDestroy
28   18 000066B0 FwChangeSourceInitialize
29   19 00017130 FwChangeSourceShutdown
30   1A 000055B0 FwChangeSourceSignal
31   1B 00007030 FwChangeSourceSignalStart
32   1C 00004C80 FwCloseHandle
33   1D 000139A0 FwConstructRemoteMachineSPN
34   1E 00013B30 FwCreateDirectory
35   1F 000053D0 FwCriticalSectionCreate
36   20 000010B0 FwCriticalSectionDestroy
37   21 000052C0 FwCriticalSectionEnter
38   22 000052A0 FwCriticalSectionLeave
39   23 00013CD0 FwDWordMultiply
40   24 000056B0 FwEnableMemTracing
41   25 00013D00 FwEnablePrivilege
42   26 000056D0 FwExpandEnvironmentStrings
1   27 000069F0 FwExtractPortNumber
43   28 00004A50 FwFieldNameMatchStringBegining
44   29 00015DE0 FwFinalHash
45   2A 00003080 FwFree
46   2B 00018EA0 FwFreeCertCriteria
47   2C 00002FE0 FwFreeRpcCallersProcessInfo
48   2D 000062F0 FwGetAppBlockList
49   2E 00017E30 FwGetAuthorizedApp
50   2F 000063E0 FwGetExpandedCanonicalLongPathName
51   30 00017F20 FwGetIcmpSettings
52   31 000057B0 FwGetLongPathName
53   32 00004C00 FwGetProfileIndexFromProfileType
54   33 00004BE0 FwGetProfileTypeFromProfileIndex
55   34 00018000 FwGetRemoteAdminSettings
56   35 00016020 FwGetRpcCallersProcessImageName
57   36 00001A20 FwGetRpcCallersProcessInfo
58   37 00019130 FwGetService
59   38 00019190 FwGetServiceTypes
60   39 00018050 FwGetServices
61   3A 00018140 FwGetStaticFwPort
62   3B 00005910 FwGetStringId
63   3C 00006CF0 FwGetStringIdForStatusCode
64   3D 00013F90 FwGetSysPathName
65   3E 000023A0 FwGetTokenInformation
66   3F 00004C50 FwHResultToWindowsError
67   40 00006B50 FwHashtableCreate
68   41 00015DF0 FwHashtableDestroy
69   42 00005510 FwHashtableEmpty
70   43 00015E90 FwHashtableFind
71   44 00015EB0 FwHashtableGetNext
72   45 00015ED0 FwHashtableInsert
73   46 00015F40 FwHashtableRemove
74   47 00005DA0 FwIOReadPortUseIndications
75   48 00005C20 FwIOWritePortUseIndications
76   49 00001830 FwIcfAuthBypassServicesDestroy
77   4A 00001850 FwIcfAuthBypassSubNetsDestroy
78   4B 00015760 FwIcfAuthorizedAppCopy
79   4C 00015900 FwIcfAuthorizedAppsCopy
80   4D 000159A0 FwIcfAuthorizedAppsDestroy
81   4E 00005940 FwIcfDynamicFwPortDestroy
82   4F 000052E0 FwIcfIpV4SubNetsCanonize
83   50 00005380 FwIcfIpV6SubNetsCanonize
84   51 00015D30 FwIcfSubNetsCopy
85   52 00005980 FwIcfSubNetsDestroy
86   53 00015DC0 FwIcfSubNetsGetScope
87   54 00005A30 FwIcfSubNetsIsEqual
88   55 00018250 FwImageListDestroy
89   56 00018270 FwImageListHasImage
90   57 000056B0 FwInitMemoryMgr
91   58 00015F60 FwInitializeHashContext
92   59 000182E0 FwIpV4SubNetDecode
93   5A 00019290 FwIsBuiltInPort
94   5B 00004CF0 FwIsMachineLocalHost
2   5C 000167A0 FwIsValidPorts
95   5D 00006FD0 FwLicensingIsIoT
96   5E 00004510 FwLicensingIsNetIsolationOnly
97   5F 00005240 FwLicensingIsXbox
98   60 000021A0 FwLoadIndirectString
99   61 00005FF0 FwLoadString
100   62 00006BA0 FwLookupAccountSid
101   63 00004B10 FwMarshalledMetaDataCopy
102   64 00004C30 FwMarshalledMetaDataInitialize
103   65 00004CD0 FwMetaDataAddEnforcementState
104   66 00014130 FwMetaDataCopy
105   67 00005260 FwMetaDataFree
106   68 000050D0 FwMetaDataIsEnforcementStatePresent
107   69 00014280 FwMultiByteToWideChar
108   6A 00016100 FwParseEdpCloudResourceStringToNrptRuleList
3   6B 00016870 FwPortsToString
109   6C 00002650 FwProfileTypesToString
110   6D 00005210 FwRegCloseKey
111   6E 00001200 FwRegCreateKey
112   6F 00012F90 FwRegDeleteAllValues
113   70 000130C0 FwRegDeleteKey
114   71 00001010 FwRegDeleteValue
115   72 00002B20 FwRegEnumValueNameAndValueData
116   73 00001390 FwRegNotifyCreate
117   74 000132E0 FwRegNotifyDestroy
118   75 00001760 FwRegOpenKey
119   76 00001610 FwRegQueryDWord
120   77 00013360 FwRegQueryNumKeys
121   78 00005440 FwRegQueryNumValues
122   79 00002490 FwRegQueryString
123   7A 00005600 FwRegSetDWord
124   7B 00005140 FwRegSetString
125   7C 00014560 FwReleasePrivilege
126   7D 00014650 FwReportErrorAsNtStatus
127   7E 00006290 FwReportErrorAsWinError
128   7F 00002350 FwReportReturnError
129   80 000020E0 FwResolveIndirectString
130   81 00015F70 FwRestructureHashtable
131   82 00006D30 FwServiceSidCreateInPlace
132   83 000056B0 FwSetMemLeakPolicy
133   84 000056B0 FwShutdownMemoryMgr
134   85 00006A70 FwSidCreate
135   86 00014700 FwSidDestroy
136   87 00014730 FwSizeTAdd
137   88 00003210 FwSizeTMultiply
138   89 000059B0 FwSortAddresses
139   8A 00005B30 FwSortInterfaceLUIDs
140   8B 000186C0 FwStaticFwPortEncode
141   8C 00018800 FwStaticFwPortEncodeValueName
142   8D 00003250 FwStringBuild
143   8E 00014750 FwStringCanonicalizeCopy
144   8F 00001900 FwStringCopy
145   90 00014920 FwStringCopyA
146   91 00014A40 FwStringCopyAtoWAlloc
147   92 00014BB0 FwStringCopyWtoAAlloc
148   93 00018C80 FwSubNetsEncode
149   94 00014D40 FwSubstituteDeviceName
150   95 00007050 FwTriggerGetEventForSource
151   96 00006F30 FwTriggerRearm
152   97 00006DD0 FwTriggerRegisterWait
153   98 000165F0 FwTriggerUnregisterWait
154   99 00015FF0 FwUpdateHash
155   9A 000192B0 FwVerifyAuthenticationSet
156   9B 00019410 FwVerifyAuthenticationSetQuery
157   9C 00019570 FwVerifyConnectionSecurityRule
158   9D 00019720 FwVerifyConnectionSecurityRuleQuery
159   9E 00019880 FwVerifyCryptoSet
160   9F 000199E0 FwVerifyCryptoSetQuery
161   A0 00019B40 FwVerifyFirewallRule
162   A1 00004D80 FwVerifyFirewallRuleQuery
163   A2 00019C70 FwVerifyMainModeRule
164   A3 00019DA0 FwVerifyMainModeRuleQuery
165   A4 000056B0 FwVerifyNoHeapLeaks
166   A5 00007010 FwWcsICmp
167   A6 0001ABE0 Int_FWVerifyAuthenticationSet
168   A7 0001B1B0 Int_FWVerifyConnectionSecurityRule
169   A8 0001C670 Int_FWVerifyCryptoSet
170   A9 00003820 Int_FWVerifyFirewallRule
171   AA 0001CB20 Int_FWVerifyMainModeRule
172   AB 0001D0B0 Int_FwIPV4RangeContainsMulticast
173   AC 0001D0F0 Int_FwIPV6RangeContainsMulticast
174   AD 00006B20 Int_FwIsV6AddrLoopback
175   AE 000048B0 Int_FwValidateAndMigrateSecurityDescriptor
176   AF 0001D110 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceAuthSetToVersion
177   B0 0001D350 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceConnSecRuleToVersion
178   B1 0001D820 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceCryptoSetToVersion
179   B2 00003430 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceFirewallRuleToVersion
180   B3 0001DCA0 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceMainModeRuleToVersion
181   B4 00004060 Int_FwValidateSecurityDescriptor
182   B5 000069B0 IsAddressesEmpty
183   B6 00018F10 IsCSRuleTunnelMode
184   B7 00005090 IsRuleOldAuthApp
185   B8 00005100 IsRuleOldGlobalOpenPort
186   B9 00018FB0 IsRuleOldv1Compliant
187   BA 00018FF0 IsRuleOpenPortOrAuthApp
188   BB 00005AD0 Isv4AddressesEmpty
189   BC 00005AF0 Isv6AddressesEmpty

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll fwbase.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for fwbase.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    752D58D6 time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         189 number of functions
         189 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          4    0 00006900 FWIndicatePortInUse_Helper
          5    1 000066C0 FwAddrChangeSourceInitialize
          6    2 000170C0 FwAddrChangeSourceShutdown
          7    3 00005BD0 FwAddrChangeSourceSignal
          8    4 000031C0 FwAlloc
          9    5 00001800 FwAllocArray
         10    6 000019D0 FwAllocCheckSize
         11    7 000030C0 FwArrayAppend
         12    8 00005870 FwArrayCat
         13    9 00002A10 FwArrayCopy
         14    A 000153D0 FwArrayCreateFromRegistry
         15    B 000018A0 FwArrayDestroy
         16    C 000155C0 FwArrayErase
         17    D 00018DF0 FwAuthSuiteEmpty
         18    E 00018E00 FwAuthSuiteEmptyByVersion
         19    F 00017D00 FwAuthorizedAppEncode
         20   10 000031C0 FwBaseAlloc
         21   11 000019D0 FwBaseAllocCheckSize
         22   12 00003080 FwBaseFree
         23   13 00005B10 FwBoolIsEqual
         24   14 000138E0 FwBuildIndirectString
         25   15 00005A70 FwCanonizeAuthorizedApps
         26   16 000012D0 FwChangeSinkCreate
         27   17 00017100 FwChangeSinkDestroy
         28   18 000066B0 FwChangeSourceInitialize
         29   19 00017130 FwChangeSourceShutdown
         30   1A 000055B0 FwChangeSourceSignal
         31   1B 00007030 FwChangeSourceSignalStart
         32   1C 00004C80 FwCloseHandle
         33   1D 000139A0 FwConstructRemoteMachineSPN
         34   1E 00013B30 FwCreateDirectory
         35   1F 000053D0 FwCriticalSectionCreate
         36   20 000010B0 FwCriticalSectionDestroy
         37   21 000052C0 FwCriticalSectionEnter
         38   22 000052A0 FwCriticalSectionLeave
         39   23 00013CD0 FwDWordMultiply
         40   24 000056B0 FwEnableMemTracing
         41   25 00013D00 FwEnablePrivilege
         42   26 000056D0 FwExpandEnvironmentStrings
          1   27 000069F0 FwExtractPortNumber
         43   28 00004A50 FwFieldNameMatchStringBegining
         44   29 00015DE0 FwFinalHash
         45   2A 00003080 FwFree
         46   2B 00018EA0 FwFreeCertCriteria
         47   2C 00002FE0 FwFreeRpcCallersProcessInfo
         48   2D 000062F0 FwGetAppBlockList
         49   2E 00017E30 FwGetAuthorizedApp
         50   2F 000063E0 FwGetExpandedCanonicalLongPathName
         51   30 00017F20 FwGetIcmpSettings
         52   31 000057B0 FwGetLongPathName
         53   32 00004C00 FwGetProfileIndexFromProfileType
         54   33 00004BE0 FwGetProfileTypeFromProfileIndex
         55   34 00018000 FwGetRemoteAdminSettings
         56   35 00016020 FwGetRpcCallersProcessImageName
         57   36 00001A20 FwGetRpcCallersProcessInfo
         58   37 00019130 FwGetService
         59   38 00019190 FwGetServiceTypes
         60   39 00018050 FwGetServices
         61   3A 00018140 FwGetStaticFwPort
         62   3B 00005910 FwGetStringId
         63   3C 00006CF0 FwGetStringIdForStatusCode
         64   3D 00013F90 FwGetSysPathName
         65   3E 000023A0 FwGetTokenInformation
         66   3F 00004C50 FwHResultToWindowsError
         67   40 00006B50 FwHashtableCreate
         68   41 00015DF0 FwHashtableDestroy
         69   42 00005510 FwHashtableEmpty
         70   43 00015E90 FwHashtableFind
         71   44 00015EB0 FwHashtableGetNext
         72   45 00015ED0 FwHashtableInsert
         73   46 00015F40 FwHashtableRemove
         74   47 00005DA0 FwIOReadPortUseIndications
         75   48 00005C20 FwIOWritePortUseIndications
         76   49 00001830 FwIcfAuthBypassServicesDestroy
         77   4A 00001850 FwIcfAuthBypassSubNetsDestroy
         78   4B 00015760 FwIcfAuthorizedAppCopy
         79   4C 00015900 FwIcfAuthorizedAppsCopy
         80   4D 000159A0 FwIcfAuthorizedAppsDestroy
         81   4E 00005940 FwIcfDynamicFwPortDestroy
         82   4F 000052E0 FwIcfIpV4SubNetsCanonize
         83   50 00005380 FwIcfIpV6SubNetsCanonize
         84   51 00015D30 FwIcfSubNetsCopy
         85   52 00005980 FwIcfSubNetsDestroy
         86   53 00015DC0 FwIcfSubNetsGetScope
         87   54 00005A30 FwIcfSubNetsIsEqual
         88   55 00018250 FwImageListDestroy
         89   56 00018270 FwImageListHasImage
         90   57 000056B0 FwInitMemoryMgr
         91   58 00015F60 FwInitializeHashContext
         92   59 000182E0 FwIpV4SubNetDecode
         93   5A 00019290 FwIsBuiltInPort
         94   5B 00004CF0 FwIsMachineLocalHost
          2   5C 000167A0 FwIsValidPorts
         95   5D 00006FD0 FwLicensingIsIoT
         96   5E 00004510 FwLicensingIsNetIsolationOnly
         97   5F 00005240 FwLicensingIsXbox
         98   60 000021A0 FwLoadIndirectString
         99   61 00005FF0 FwLoadString
        100   62 00006BA0 FwLookupAccountSid
        101   63 00004B10 FwMarshalledMetaDataCopy
        102   64 00004C30 FwMarshalledMetaDataInitialize
        103   65 00004CD0 FwMetaDataAddEnforcementState
        104   66 00014130 FwMetaDataCopy
        105   67 00005260 FwMetaDataFree
        106   68 000050D0 FwMetaDataIsEnforcementStatePresent
        107   69 00014280 FwMultiByteToWideChar
        108   6A 00016100 FwParseEdpCloudResourceStringToNrptRuleList
          3   6B 00016870 FwPortsToString
        109   6C 00002650 FwProfileTypesToString
        110   6D 00005210 FwRegCloseKey
        111   6E 00001200 FwRegCreateKey
        112   6F 00012F90 FwRegDeleteAllValues
        113   70 000130C0 FwRegDeleteKey
        114   71 00001010 FwRegDeleteValue
        115   72 00002B20 FwRegEnumValueNameAndValueData
        116   73 00001390 FwRegNotifyCreate
        117   74 000132E0 FwRegNotifyDestroy
        118   75 00001760 FwRegOpenKey
        119   76 00001610 FwRegQueryDWord
        120   77 00013360 FwRegQueryNumKeys
        121   78 00005440 FwRegQueryNumValues
        122   79 00002490 FwRegQueryString
        123   7A 00005600 FwRegSetDWord
        124   7B 00005140 FwRegSetString
        125   7C 00014560 FwReleasePrivilege
        126   7D 00014650 FwReportErrorAsNtStatus
        127   7E 00006290 FwReportErrorAsWinError
        128   7F 00002350 FwReportReturnError
        129   80 000020E0 FwResolveIndirectString
        130   81 00015F70 FwRestructureHashtable
        131   82 00006D30 FwServiceSidCreateInPlace
        132   83 000056B0 FwSetMemLeakPolicy
        133   84 000056B0 FwShutdownMemoryMgr
        134   85 00006A70 FwSidCreate
        135   86 00014700 FwSidDestroy
        136   87 00014730 FwSizeTAdd
        137   88 00003210 FwSizeTMultiply
        138   89 000059B0 FwSortAddresses
        139   8A 00005B30 FwSortInterfaceLUIDs
        140   8B 000186C0 FwStaticFwPortEncode
        141   8C 00018800 FwStaticFwPortEncodeValueName
        142   8D 00003250 FwStringBuild
        143   8E 00014750 FwStringCanonicalizeCopy
        144   8F 00001900 FwStringCopy
        145   90 00014920 FwStringCopyA
        146   91 00014A40 FwStringCopyAtoWAlloc
        147   92 00014BB0 FwStringCopyWtoAAlloc
        148   93 00018C80 FwSubNetsEncode
        149   94 00014D40 FwSubstituteDeviceName
        150   95 00007050 FwTriggerGetEventForSource
        151   96 00006F30 FwTriggerRearm
        152   97 00006DD0 FwTriggerRegisterWait
        153   98 000165F0 FwTriggerUnregisterWait
        154   99 00015FF0 FwUpdateHash
        155   9A 000192B0 FwVerifyAuthenticationSet
        156   9B 00019410 FwVerifyAuthenticationSetQuery
        157   9C 00019570 FwVerifyConnectionSecurityRule
        158   9D 00019720 FwVerifyConnectionSecurityRuleQuery
        159   9E 00019880 FwVerifyCryptoSet
        160   9F 000199E0 FwVerifyCryptoSetQuery
        161   A0 00019B40 FwVerifyFirewallRule
        162   A1 00004D80 FwVerifyFirewallRuleQuery
        163   A2 00019C70 FwVerifyMainModeRule
        164   A3 00019DA0 FwVerifyMainModeRuleQuery
        165   A4 000056B0 FwVerifyNoHeapLeaks
        166   A5 00007010 FwWcsICmp
        167   A6 0001ABE0 Int_FWVerifyAuthenticationSet
        168   A7 0001B1B0 Int_FWVerifyConnectionSecurityRule
        169   A8 0001C670 Int_FWVerifyCryptoSet
        170   A9 00003820 Int_FWVerifyFirewallRule
        171   AA 0001CB20 Int_FWVerifyMainModeRule
        172   AB 0001D0B0 Int_FwIPV4RangeContainsMulticast
        173   AC 0001D0F0 Int_FwIPV6RangeContainsMulticast
        174   AD 00006B20 Int_FwIsV6AddrLoopback
        175   AE 000048B0 Int_FwValidateAndMigrateSecurityDescriptor
        176   AF 0001D110 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceAuthSetToVersion
        177   B0 0001D350 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceConnSecRuleToVersion
        178   B1 0001D820 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceCryptoSetToVersion
        179   B2 00003430 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceFirewallRuleToVersion
        180   B3 0001DCA0 Int_FwValidateComplianceAndReduceMainModeRuleToVersion
        181   B4 00004060 Int_FwValidateSecurityDescriptor
        182   B5 000069B0 IsAddressesEmpty
        183   B6 00018F10 IsCSRuleTunnelMode
        184   B7 00005090 IsRuleOldAuthApp
        185   B8 00005100 IsRuleOldGlobalOpenPort
        186   B9 00018FB0 IsRuleOldv1Compliant
        187   BA 00018FF0 IsRuleOpenPortOrAuthApp
        188   BB 00005AD0 Isv4AddressesEmpty
        189   BC 00005AF0 Isv6AddressesEmpty


        1000 .data
        1000 .didat
        2000 .pdata
        9000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       1F000 .text

Integridad de la dll fwbase.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          84B0D6A7BCEE5E87C96172C487017ED8EEE7012DE3768BA6FBD45E2DF81088C3       C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll               

Detalles sobre el fichero dll fwbase.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : fwbase.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll
                    InternalName:     fwbase DLL
                    OriginalFilename: fwbase.dll
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.546 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Firewall Base DLL
                    Product:          Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.546
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Inglés (Estados Unidos)
BaseName          : fwbase
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_networking-mpssvc-svc_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.546_none_780d827926ac0810\fwbase.dll}
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : fwbase.dll
Length            : 167424
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\fwbase.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:43:05
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:43:05
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 10:51:59
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 9:51:59
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:43:05
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:43:05
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll fwbase.dll
