¿Para qué sirve la dll mscms.dll?

Archivo DLL de Sistema de coincidencias de color de Microsoft

Dependencias de la dll mscms.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        5000 .pdata
       17000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
       11000 .rsrc
       7C000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll mscms.dll

1    0 00018B30 AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceA
2    1 00018C30 AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceW
3    2 000169A0 CheckBitmapBits
4    3 00016B80 CheckColors
5    4 00012A00 CloseColorProfile
6    5 00003A00 CloseDisplay
217    6 00037970 ColorAdapterGetCurrentProfileCalibration
211    7 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayCurrentStateID
216    8 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayProfile
215    9 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayTargetWhitePoint
214    A 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayTransformData
210    B 00037970 ColorAdapterGetSystemModifyWhitePointCaps
218    C 00037970 ColorAdapterRegisterOEMColorService
219    D 00037970 ColorAdapterUnregisterOEMColorService
213    E 00037970 ColorAdapterUpdateDeviceProfile
212    F 00037970 ColorAdapterUpdateDisplayGamma
7   10 0002CB60 ColorCplGetDefaultProfileScope
8   11 0002CC90 ColorCplGetDefaultRenderingIntentScope
9   12 0002CD00 ColorCplGetProfileProperties
10   13 0002CD30 ColorCplHasSystemWideAssociationListChanged
11   14 0002CDF0 ColorCplInitialize
12   15 0002CE60 ColorCplLoadAssociationList
13   16 0002D390 ColorCplMergeAssociationLists
14   17 0002D450 ColorCplOverwritePerUserAssociationList
15   18 0002D580 ColorCplReleaseProfileProperties
16   19 0002D5B0 ColorCplResetSystemWideAssociationListChangedWarning
17   1A 0002D650 ColorCplSaveAssociationList
18   1B 0002D8C0 ColorCplSetUsePerUserProfiles
19   1C 0002DA40 ColorCplUninitialize
230   1D 00037D30 ColorProfileAddDisplayAssociation
234   1E 00001FF0 ColorProfileGetDisplayDefault
233   1F 00037DF0 ColorProfileGetDisplayList
235   20 00038020 ColorProfileGetDisplayUserScope
231   21 000380F0 ColorProfileRemoveDisplayAssociation
232   22 000381B0 ColorProfileSetDisplayDefaultAssociation
20   23 00012B40 ConvertColorNameToIndex
21   24 00012CA0 ConvertIndexToColorName
22   25 00016C80 CreateColorTransformA
23   26 00016DC0 CreateColorTransformW
24   27 00012E00 CreateDeviceLinkProfile
25   28 00016DD0 CreateMultiProfileTransform
26   29 00012FC0 CreateProfileFromLogColorSpaceA
27   2A 000130C0 CreateProfileFromLogColorSpaceW
28   2B 00035DA0 DccwCreateDisplayProfileAssociationList
29   2C 00035DF0 DccwGetDisplayProfileAssociationList
30   2D 00038BD0 DccwGetGamutSize
31   2E 00035E00 DccwReleaseDisplayProfileAssociationList
32   2F 00035E30 DccwSetDisplayProfileAssociationList
33   30 00017170 DeleteColorTransform
34   31 0001A210 DeviceRenameEvent
35   32 0001A410 DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceA
36   33 0001A510 DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceW
37   34 00035BF0 DllCanUnloadNow
38   35 0000B160 DllGetClassObject
39   36 0001A7D0 EnumColorProfilesA
40   37 0001AA20 EnumColorProfilesW
41   38 00001560 GenerateCopyFilePaths
42   39 00017380 GetCMMInfo
43   3A 0001ABB0 GetColorDirectoryA
44   3B 00001B30 GetColorDirectoryW
45   3C 000134C0 GetColorProfileElement
46   3D 00013670 GetColorProfileElementTag
47   3E 00013730 GetColorProfileFromHandle
48   3F 00013830 GetColorProfileHeader
49   40 00013910 GetCountColorProfileElements
50   41 00013DD0 GetNamedProfileInfo
51   42 00013F10 GetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary
52   43 000140D0 GetPS2ColorRenderingIntent
53   44 00014280 GetPS2ColorSpaceArray
54   45 0001BC90 GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA
55   46 0001BE40 GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW
56   47 0001C420 InstallColorProfileA
57   48 0001C4A0 InstallColorProfileW
207   49 00037430 InternalGetAppliedGDIGammaRamp
205   4A 00037460 InternalGetAppliedGammaRamp
58   4B 0001E5D0 InternalGetDeviceConfig
206   4C 0000B180 InternalGetDeviceGammaCapability
59   4D 00028390 InternalGetPS2CSAFromLCS
60   4E 00028730 InternalGetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary
200   4F 00028760 InternalGetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary2
61   50 00028AF0 InternalGetPS2ColorSpaceArray
202   51 00028B30 InternalGetPS2ColorSpaceArray2
62   52 00028E70 InternalGetPS2PreviewCRD
201   53 00028EB0 InternalGetPS2PreviewCRD2
63   54 00009D70 InternalRefreshCalibration
64   55 0001ED20 InternalSetDeviceConfig
208   56 00037490 InternalSetDeviceGDIGammaRamp
203   57 000375D0 InternalSetDeviceGammaRamp
204   58 000377B0 InternalSetDeviceTemperature
65   59 0001EF90 InternalWcsAssociateColorProfileWithDevice
66   5A 0001EFC0 InternalWcsDisassociateColorProfileWithDevice
67   5B 00014A60 IsColorProfileTagPresent
68   5C 00014B30 IsColorProfileValid
69   5D 00014D00 OpenColorProfileA
70   5E 00014E40 OpenColorProfileW
71   5F 00002E70 OpenDisplay
72   60 00017E70 RegisterCMMA
73   61 00017F20 RegisterCMMW
74   62 00017F30 SelectCMM
75   63 00014E80 SetColorProfileElement
76   64 00015040 SetColorProfileElementReference
77   65 000151E0 SetColorProfileElementSize
78   66 000154E0 SetColorProfileHeader
79   67 00020BC0 SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA
80   68 00020C40 SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW
81   69 00020DA0 SpoolerCopyFileEvent
82   6A 00018010 TranslateBitmapBits
83   6B 00018390 TranslateColors
84   6C 00021280 UninstallColorProfileA
85   6D 00021310 UninstallColorProfileW
86   6E 000185A0 UnregisterCMMA
87   6F 00018610 UnregisterCMMW
88   70 00021610 WcsAssociateColorProfileWithDevice
89   71 00018620 WcsCheckColors
90   72 0003A460 WcsCreateIccProfile
91   73 00021690 WcsDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice
92   74 000216F0 WcsEnumColorProfiles
93   75 00021740 WcsEnumColorProfilesSize
94   76 0000A0F0 WcsGetCalibrationManagementState
95   77 000217A0 WcsGetDefaultColorProfile
96   78 00021800 WcsGetDefaultColorProfileSize
97   79 000017E0 WcsGetDefaultRenderingIntent
98   7A 00021840 WcsGetUsePerUserProfiles
99   7B 0002E2C0 WcsGpCanInstallOrUninstallProfiles
100   7C 00016010 WcsOpenColorProfileA
101   7D 00016150 WcsOpenColorProfileW
102   7E 000353D0 WcsSetCalibrationManagementState
103   7F 00021890 WcsSetDefaultColorProfile
104   80 000218A0 WcsSetDefaultRenderingIntent
105   81 000219A0 WcsSetUsePerUserProfiles
106   82 00018710 WcsTranslateColors

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll mscms.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for mscms.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    AC1668CE time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         235 number of functions
         131 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 00018B30 AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceA
          2    1 00018C30 AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceW
          3    2 000169A0 CheckBitmapBits
          4    3 00016B80 CheckColors
          5    4 00012A00 CloseColorProfile
          6    5 00003A00 CloseDisplay
        217    6 00037970 ColorAdapterGetCurrentProfileCalibration
        211    7 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayCurrentStateID
        216    8 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayProfile
        215    9 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayTargetWhitePoint
        214    A 00037970 ColorAdapterGetDisplayTransformData
        210    B 00037970 ColorAdapterGetSystemModifyWhitePointCaps
        218    C 00037970 ColorAdapterRegisterOEMColorService
        219    D 00037970 ColorAdapterUnregisterOEMColorService
        213    E 00037970 ColorAdapterUpdateDeviceProfile
        212    F 00037970 ColorAdapterUpdateDisplayGamma
          7   10 0002CB60 ColorCplGetDefaultProfileScope
          8   11 0002CC90 ColorCplGetDefaultRenderingIntentScope
          9   12 0002CD00 ColorCplGetProfileProperties
         10   13 0002CD30 ColorCplHasSystemWideAssociationListChanged
         11   14 0002CDF0 ColorCplInitialize
         12   15 0002CE60 ColorCplLoadAssociationList
         13   16 0002D390 ColorCplMergeAssociationLists
         14   17 0002D450 ColorCplOverwritePerUserAssociationList
         15   18 0002D580 ColorCplReleaseProfileProperties
         16   19 0002D5B0 ColorCplResetSystemWideAssociationListChangedWarning
         17   1A 0002D650 ColorCplSaveAssociationList
         18   1B 0002D8C0 ColorCplSetUsePerUserProfiles
         19   1C 0002DA40 ColorCplUninitialize
        230   1D 00037D30 ColorProfileAddDisplayAssociation
        234   1E 00001FF0 ColorProfileGetDisplayDefault
        233   1F 00037DF0 ColorProfileGetDisplayList
        235   20 00038020 ColorProfileGetDisplayUserScope
        231   21 000380F0 ColorProfileRemoveDisplayAssociation
        232   22 000381B0 ColorProfileSetDisplayDefaultAssociation
         20   23 00012B40 ConvertColorNameToIndex
         21   24 00012CA0 ConvertIndexToColorName
         22   25 00016C80 CreateColorTransformA
         23   26 00016DC0 CreateColorTransformW
         24   27 00012E00 CreateDeviceLinkProfile
         25   28 00016DD0 CreateMultiProfileTransform
         26   29 00012FC0 CreateProfileFromLogColorSpaceA
         27   2A 000130C0 CreateProfileFromLogColorSpaceW
         28   2B 00035DA0 DccwCreateDisplayProfileAssociationList
         29   2C 00035DF0 DccwGetDisplayProfileAssociationList
         30   2D 00038BD0 DccwGetGamutSize
         31   2E 00035E00 DccwReleaseDisplayProfileAssociationList
         32   2F 00035E30 DccwSetDisplayProfileAssociationList
         33   30 00017170 DeleteColorTransform
         34   31 0001A210 DeviceRenameEvent
         35   32 0001A410 DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceA
         36   33 0001A510 DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceW
         37   34 00035BF0 DllCanUnloadNow
         38   35 0000B160 DllGetClassObject
         39   36 0001A7D0 EnumColorProfilesA
         40   37 0001AA20 EnumColorProfilesW
         41   38 00001560 GenerateCopyFilePaths
         42   39 00017380 GetCMMInfo
         43   3A 0001ABB0 GetColorDirectoryA
         44   3B 00001B30 GetColorDirectoryW
         45   3C 000134C0 GetColorProfileElement
         46   3D 00013670 GetColorProfileElementTag
         47   3E 00013730 GetColorProfileFromHandle
         48   3F 00013830 GetColorProfileHeader
         49   40 00013910 GetCountColorProfileElements
         50   41 00013DD0 GetNamedProfileInfo
         51   42 00013F10 GetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary
         52   43 000140D0 GetPS2ColorRenderingIntent
         53   44 00014280 GetPS2ColorSpaceArray
         54   45 0001BC90 GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA
         55   46 0001BE40 GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW
         56   47 0001C420 InstallColorProfileA
         57   48 0001C4A0 InstallColorProfileW
        207   49 00037430 InternalGetAppliedGDIGammaRamp
        205   4A 00037460 InternalGetAppliedGammaRamp
         58   4B 0001E5D0 InternalGetDeviceConfig
        206   4C 0000B180 InternalGetDeviceGammaCapability
         59   4D 00028390 InternalGetPS2CSAFromLCS
         60   4E 00028730 InternalGetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary
        200   4F 00028760 InternalGetPS2ColorRenderingDictionary2
         61   50 00028AF0 InternalGetPS2ColorSpaceArray
        202   51 00028B30 InternalGetPS2ColorSpaceArray2
         62   52 00028E70 InternalGetPS2PreviewCRD
        201   53 00028EB0 InternalGetPS2PreviewCRD2
         63   54 00009D70 InternalRefreshCalibration
         64   55 0001ED20 InternalSetDeviceConfig
        208   56 00037490 InternalSetDeviceGDIGammaRamp
        203   57 000375D0 InternalSetDeviceGammaRamp
        204   58 000377B0 InternalSetDeviceTemperature
         65   59 0001EF90 InternalWcsAssociateColorProfileWithDevice
         66   5A 0001EFC0 InternalWcsDisassociateColorProfileWithDevice
         67   5B 00014A60 IsColorProfileTagPresent
         68   5C 00014B30 IsColorProfileValid
         69   5D 00014D00 OpenColorProfileA
         70   5E 00014E40 OpenColorProfileW
         71   5F 00002E70 OpenDisplay
         72   60 00017E70 RegisterCMMA
         73   61 00017F20 RegisterCMMW
         74   62 00017F30 SelectCMM
         75   63 00014E80 SetColorProfileElement
         76   64 00015040 SetColorProfileElementReference
         77   65 000151E0 SetColorProfileElementSize
         78   66 000154E0 SetColorProfileHeader
         79   67 00020BC0 SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA
         80   68 00020C40 SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW
         81   69 00020DA0 SpoolerCopyFileEvent
         82   6A 00018010 TranslateBitmapBits
         83   6B 00018390 TranslateColors
         84   6C 00021280 UninstallColorProfileA
         85   6D 00021310 UninstallColorProfileW
         86   6E 000185A0 UnregisterCMMA
         87   6F 00018610 UnregisterCMMW
         88   70 00021610 WcsAssociateColorProfileWithDevice
         89   71 00018620 WcsCheckColors
         90   72 0003A460 WcsCreateIccProfile
         91   73 00021690 WcsDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice
         92   74 000216F0 WcsEnumColorProfiles
         93   75 00021740 WcsEnumColorProfilesSize
         94   76 0000A0F0 WcsGetCalibrationManagementState
         95   77 000217A0 WcsGetDefaultColorProfile
         96   78 00021800 WcsGetDefaultColorProfileSize
         97   79 000017E0 WcsGetDefaultRenderingIntent
         98   7A 00021840 WcsGetUsePerUserProfiles
         99   7B 0002E2C0 WcsGpCanInstallOrUninstallProfiles
        100   7C 00016010 WcsOpenColorProfileA
        101   7D 00016150 WcsOpenColorProfileW
        102   7E 000353D0 WcsSetCalibrationManagementState
        103   7F 00021890 WcsSetDefaultColorProfile
        104   80 000218A0 WcsSetDefaultRenderingIntent
        105   81 000219A0 WcsSetUsePerUserProfiles
        106   82 00018710 WcsTranslateColors


        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        5000 .pdata
       17000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
       11000 .rsrc
       7C000 .text

Integridad de la dll mscms.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          9B07D5D887A8BC934C117ED9EBC0D5ABC388BD79CD7E4DDB4C062B61E123DEE2       C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll                

Detalles sobre el fichero dll mscms.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : mscms.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll
                    InternalName:     MSCMS.DLL
                    OriginalFilename: MSCMS.DLL.MUI
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.561 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Archivo DLL de Sistema de coincidencias de color de Microsoft
                    Product:          Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.561
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Español (España, internacional)
BaseName          : mscms
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-icm-base_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.546_none_00c13154e83283bc\mscms.
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : mscms.dll
Length            : 708096
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\mscms.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:42:34
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:42:34
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 13:10:00
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 12:10:00
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:42:34
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:42:34
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll mscms.dll
