¿Para qué sirve la dll propsys.dll?

Sistema de propiedades de Microsoft

Dependencias de la dll propsys.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        A000 .pdata
       47000 .rdata
        5000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       9C000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll propsys.dll

4    0 00082A70 ClearPropVariantArray
5    1 00093590 ClearVariantArray
6    2 00036C80 DllCanUnloadNow
7    3 0000BCB0 DllGetClassObject
8    4 0007BD10 DllRegisterServer
9    5 0007BD40 DllUnregisterServer
3    6 0007BD90 GetProxyDllInfo
10    7 00082B90 InitPropVariantFromBooleanVector
11    8 00033C50 InitPropVariantFromBuffer
12    9 0002CE80 InitPropVariantFromCLSID
13    A 00082BB0 InitPropVariantFromDoubleVector
14    B 0002D3E0 InitPropVariantFromFileTime
15    C 00082BC0 InitPropVariantFromFileTimeVector
16    D 00082BD0 InitPropVariantFromGUIDAsString
17    E 00082C50 InitPropVariantFromInt16Vector
18    F 00082C60 InitPropVariantFromInt32Vector
19   10 00082C70 InitPropVariantFromInt64Vector
20   11 00022B70 InitPropVariantFromPropVariantVectorElem
21   12 00082C80 InitPropVariantFromResource
22   13 00082D00 InitPropVariantFromStrRet
23   14 00026A90 InitPropVariantFromStringAsVector
24   15 000131D0 InitPropVariantFromStringVector
25   16 00082E40 InitPropVariantFromUInt16Vector
26   17 00082E50 InitPropVariantFromUInt32Vector
27   18 00082E60 InitPropVariantFromUInt64Vector
28   19 00082E70 InitPropVariantVectorFromPropVariant
29   1A 000935D0 InitVariantFromBooleanArray
30   1B 00034CB0 InitVariantFromBuffer
31   1C 00032C20 InitVariantFromDoubleArray
32   1D 00093600 InitVariantFromFileTime
33   1E 00093640 InitVariantFromFileTimeArray
34   1F 00037460 InitVariantFromGUIDAsString
35   20 00093730 InitVariantFromInt16Array
36   21 00040C30 InitVariantFromInt32Array
37   22 00093760 InitVariantFromInt64Array
38   23 00093790 InitVariantFromResource
39   24 00093820 InitVariantFromStrRet
40   25 000938A0 InitVariantFromStringArray
41   26 000939A0 InitVariantFromUInt16Array
42   27 000939D0 InitVariantFromUInt32Array
43   28 00093A00 InitVariantFromUInt64Array
44   29 00093A30 InitVariantFromVariantArrayElem
45   2A 0000E290 PSCoerceToCanonicalValue
46   2B 00004490 PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore
47   2C 000361C0 PSCreateDelayedMultiplexPropertyStore
48   2D 0001DCC0 PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore
49   2E 0000BF00 PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore
50   2F 00034170 PSCreatePropertyChangeArray
51   30 0000C080 PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject
52   31 000382D0 PSCreatePropertyStoreFromPropertySetStorage
53   32 0006F8C0 PSCreateSimplePropertyChange
54   33 00005B40 PSEnumeratePropertyDescriptions
55   34 000336C0 PSFormatForDisplay
56   35 00010890 PSFormatForDisplayAlloc
57   36 00075640 PSFormatPropertyValue
58   37 000756E0 PSGetImageReferenceForValue
59   38 00066480 PSGetItemPropertyHandler
60   39 000664A0 PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject
61   3A 0000FE80 PSGetNameFromPropertyKey
62   3B 00005380 PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage
63   3C 0000F6C0 PSGetPropertyDescription
64   3D 00010240 PSGetPropertyDescriptionByName
65   3E 00033F00 PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString
66   3F 0001C920 PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage
67   40 0000E8C0 PSGetPropertyKeyFromName
68   41 00010620 PSGetPropertySystem
69   42 00075770 PSGetPropertyValue
70   43 000664B0 PSLookupPropertyHandlerCLSID
71   44 00038810 PSPropertyBag_Delete
72   45 00021710 PSPropertyBag_ReadBOOL
73   46 000219D0 PSPropertyBag_ReadBSTR
74   47 00021780 PSPropertyBag_ReadDWORD
75   48 00021CE0 PSPropertyBag_ReadGUID
76   49 000385F0 PSPropertyBag_ReadInt
77   4A 00041290 PSPropertyBag_ReadLONG
78   4B 00041160 PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL
79   4C 0006FA00 PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS
80   4D 0006FA50 PSPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey
81   4E 00041020 PSPropertyBag_ReadRECTL
82   4F 0006FB30 PSPropertyBag_ReadSHORT
83   50 00021940 PSPropertyBag_ReadStr
84   51 00021840 PSPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc
85   52 000416A0 PSPropertyBag_ReadStream
86   53 00021A40 PSPropertyBag_ReadType
87   54 0006FBA0 PSPropertyBag_ReadULONGLONG
88   55 000218A0 PSPropertyBag_ReadUnknown
89   56 00038060 PSPropertyBag_WriteBOOL
90   57 00027F10 PSPropertyBag_WriteBSTR
91   58 00037370 PSPropertyBag_WriteDWORD
92   59 000373D0 PSPropertyBag_WriteGUID
93   5A 000387B0 PSPropertyBag_WriteInt
94   5B 000387B0 PSPropertyBag_WriteLONG
95   5C 0006FC10 PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTL
96   5D 0006FE00 PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTS
97   5E 000372C0 PSPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey
98   5F 0006FE40 PSPropertyBag_WriteRECTL
99   60 000701F0 PSPropertyBag_WriteSHORT
100   61 00027EA0 PSPropertyBag_WriteStr
101   62 00037930 PSPropertyBag_WriteStream
102   63 00070250 PSPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG
103   64 00037930 PSPropertyBag_WriteUnknown
104   65 0000C310 PSPropertyKeyFromString
105   66 000757F0 PSRefreshPropertySchema
106   67 00075860 PSRegisterPropertySchema
107   68 000758E0 PSSetPropertyValue
108   69 000330C0 PSStringFromPropertyKey
109   6A 00075960 PSUnregisterPropertySchema
110   6B 00016E70 PropVariantChangeType
111   6C 00018730 PropVariantCompareEx
112   6D 000830A0 PropVariantGetBooleanElem
113   6E 00083100 PropVariantGetDoubleElem
114   6F 000198A0 PropVariantGetElementCount
115   70 00083120 PropVariantGetFileTimeElem
116   71 00083140 PropVariantGetInt16Elem
117   72 00083160 PropVariantGetInt32Elem
118   73 00083180 PropVariantGetInt64Elem
119   74 000831A0 PropVariantGetStringElem
120   75 000833A0 PropVariantGetUInt16Elem
121   76 000833C0 PropVariantGetUInt32Elem
122   77 000833E0 PropVariantGetUInt64Elem
123   78 0002DCC0 PropVariantToBSTR
124   79 00038CE0 PropVariantToBoolean
125   7A 00083400 PropVariantToBooleanVector
126   7B 00083410 PropVariantToBooleanVectorAlloc
127   7C 00038BB0 PropVariantToBooleanWithDefault
128   7D 00036CB0 PropVariantToBuffer
129   7E 00040080 PropVariantToDouble
130   7F 00083420 PropVariantToDoubleVector
131   80 00083430 PropVariantToDoubleVectorAlloc
132   81 00083440 PropVariantToDoubleWithDefault
133   82 0002CF90 PropVariantToFileTime
134   83 00083480 PropVariantToFileTimeVector
135   84 00083490 PropVariantToFileTimeVectorAlloc
136   85 00033B40 PropVariantToGUID
137   86 000834A0 PropVariantToInt16
138   87 00083570 PropVariantToInt16Vector
139   88 00083580 PropVariantToInt16VectorAlloc
140   89 00083590 PropVariantToInt16WithDefault
141   8A 0002EE90 PropVariantToInt32
142   8B 000835D0 PropVariantToInt32Vector
143   8C 000835E0 PropVariantToInt32VectorAlloc
144   8D 0002EE50 PropVariantToInt32WithDefault
145   8E 000835F0 PropVariantToInt64
146   8F 00083700 PropVariantToInt64Vector
147   90 00083710 PropVariantToInt64VectorAlloc
148   91 00083720 PropVariantToInt64WithDefault
149   92 00083760 PropVariantToStrRet
150   93 0002D9D0 PropVariantToString
151   94 00014000 PropVariantToStringAlloc
152   95 00083900 PropVariantToStringVector
153   96 00013050 PropVariantToStringVectorAlloc
154   97 00020D00 PropVariantToStringWithDefault
155   98 00083C60 PropVariantToUInt16
156   99 00083D40 PropVariantToUInt16Vector
157   9A 00083D50 PropVariantToUInt16VectorAlloc
158   9B 00083D60 PropVariantToUInt16WithDefault
159   9C 00014FE0 PropVariantToUInt32
160   9D 00083DA0 PropVariantToUInt32Vector
161   9E 00083DB0 PropVariantToUInt32VectorAlloc
162   9F 00029BA0 PropVariantToUInt32WithDefault
163   A0 00034BA0 PropVariantToUInt64
164   A1 00083DC0 PropVariantToUInt64Vector
165   A2 00083DD0 PropVariantToUInt64VectorAlloc
166   A3 00083DE0 PropVariantToUInt64WithDefault
167   A4 00021B90 PropVariantToVariant
435   A5 00025A40 PropVariantToWinRTPropertyValue
168   A6 0001E5D0 StgDeserializePropVariant
169   A7 00004020 StgSerializePropVariant
170   A8 00015350 VariantCompare
171   A9 00093BC0 VariantGetBooleanElem
172   AA 00093C20 VariantGetDoubleElem
173   AB 00093C40 VariantGetElementCount
174   AC 00093CB0 VariantGetInt16Elem
175   AD 00093CD0 VariantGetInt32Elem
176   AE 00093CF0 VariantGetInt64Elem
177   AF 00093D10 VariantGetStringElem
178   B0 00093E70 VariantGetUInt16Elem
179   B1 00093E90 VariantGetUInt32Elem
180   B2 00093EB0 VariantGetUInt64Elem
181   B3 000379E0 VariantToBoolean
182   B4 00093ED0 VariantToBooleanArray
183   B5 00093F30 VariantToBooleanArrayAlloc
184   B6 00005B00 VariantToBooleanWithDefault
185   B7 00020E60 VariantToBuffer
186   B8 00093F90 VariantToDosDateTime
187   B9 000940C0 VariantToDouble
188   BA 000941C0 VariantToDoubleArray
189   BB 00094220 VariantToDoubleArrayAlloc
190   BC 00094280 VariantToDoubleWithDefault
191   BD 000942C0 VariantToFileTime
192   BE 000224B0 VariantToGUID
193   BF 00094390 VariantToInt16
194   C0 00094470 VariantToInt16Array
195   C1 000944D0 VariantToInt16ArrayAlloc
196   C2 00094530 VariantToInt16WithDefault
197   C3 0002ED50 VariantToInt32
198   C4 0003FF70 VariantToInt32Array
199   C5 00094570 VariantToInt32ArrayAlloc
200   C6 0002ED10 VariantToInt32WithDefault
201   C7 000945D0 VariantToInt64
202   C8 000946F0 VariantToInt64Array
203   C9 00094750 VariantToInt64ArrayAlloc
204   CA 000947B0 VariantToInt64WithDefault
205   CB 0002F020 VariantToPropVariant
206   CC 000947F0 VariantToStrRet
207   CD 000368A0 VariantToString
208   CE 00042C00 VariantToStringAlloc
209   CF 00094840 VariantToStringArray
210   D0 000949D0 VariantToStringArrayAlloc
211   D1 00020D50 VariantToStringWithDefault
212   D2 00094B80 VariantToUInt16
213   D3 00094C70 VariantToUInt16Array
214   D4 00094CD0 VariantToUInt16ArrayAlloc
215   D5 00094D30 VariantToUInt16WithDefault
216   D6 00004D60 VariantToUInt32
217   D7 00094D70 VariantToUInt32Array
218   D8 00094DD0 VariantToUInt32ArrayAlloc
219   D9 00004D20 VariantToUInt32WithDefault
220   DA 00037A90 VariantToUInt64
221   DB 00094E30 VariantToUInt64Array
222   DC 00094E90 VariantToUInt64ArrayAlloc
223   DD 00094EF0 VariantToUInt64WithDefault
436   DE 0002C1B0 WinRTPropertyValueToPropVariant
400      0000B930 [NONAME]
402      00082BA0 [NONAME]
403      00092670 [NONAME]
404      00083B20 [NONAME]
405      0006F690 [NONAME]
406      0006F7B0 [NONAME]
407      000213F0 [NONAME]
408      0000B5D0 [NONAME]
409      00005380 [NONAME]
410      0001C920 [NONAME]
411      00082D40 [NONAME]
412      00083850 [NONAME]
413      00061C30 [NONAME]
414      0006E930 [NONAME]
415      000606D0 [NONAME]
416      000388A0 [NONAME]
417      0000CA10 [NONAME]
418      0003C5D0 [NONAME]
420      00092460 [NONAME]
421      00064800 [NONAME]
422      00064A10 [NONAME]
423      00035990 [NONAME]
424      0000DB10 [NONAME]
425      000792D0 [NONAME]
426      00079410 [NONAME]
427      000913D0 [NONAME]
428      000913C0 [NONAME]
429      00003930 [NONAME]
430      0003C5D0 [NONAME]
431      0007BD70 [NONAME]
432      000349D0 [NONAME]
433      0006D1E0 [NONAME]
434      0001C130 [NONAME]
437      00003760 [NONAME]
438      0006D2F0 [NONAME]
439      00021F80 [NONAME]
440      0002AEA0 [NONAME]
441      0002B240 [NONAME]
442      0007A4A0 [NONAME]
443      0007A3D0 [NONAME]
444      00030DC0 [NONAME]
445      000343A0 [NONAME]
446      000121A0 [NONAME]
447      0006F950 [NONAME]

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll propsys.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for PROPSYS.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    BCCCF634 time date stamp
        0.00 version
           3 ordinal base
         445 number of functions
         223 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          4    0 00082A70 ClearPropVariantArray
          5    1 00093590 ClearVariantArray
          6    2 00036C80 DllCanUnloadNow
          7    3 0000BCB0 DllGetClassObject
          8    4 0007BD10 DllRegisterServer
          9    5 0007BD40 DllUnregisterServer
          3    6 0007BD90 GetProxyDllInfo
         10    7 00082B90 InitPropVariantFromBooleanVector
         11    8 00033C50 InitPropVariantFromBuffer
         12    9 0002CE80 InitPropVariantFromCLSID
         13    A 00082BB0 InitPropVariantFromDoubleVector
         14    B 0002D3E0 InitPropVariantFromFileTime
         15    C 00082BC0 InitPropVariantFromFileTimeVector
         16    D 00082BD0 InitPropVariantFromGUIDAsString
         17    E 00082C50 InitPropVariantFromInt16Vector
         18    F 00082C60 InitPropVariantFromInt32Vector
         19   10 00082C70 InitPropVariantFromInt64Vector
         20   11 00022B70 InitPropVariantFromPropVariantVectorElem
         21   12 00082C80 InitPropVariantFromResource
         22   13 00082D00 InitPropVariantFromStrRet
         23   14 00026A90 InitPropVariantFromStringAsVector
         24   15 000131D0 InitPropVariantFromStringVector
         25   16 00082E40 InitPropVariantFromUInt16Vector
         26   17 00082E50 InitPropVariantFromUInt32Vector
         27   18 00082E60 InitPropVariantFromUInt64Vector
         28   19 00082E70 InitPropVariantVectorFromPropVariant
         29   1A 000935D0 InitVariantFromBooleanArray
         30   1B 00034CB0 InitVariantFromBuffer
         31   1C 00032C20 InitVariantFromDoubleArray
         32   1D 00093600 InitVariantFromFileTime
         33   1E 00093640 InitVariantFromFileTimeArray
         34   1F 00037460 InitVariantFromGUIDAsString
         35   20 00093730 InitVariantFromInt16Array
         36   21 00040C30 InitVariantFromInt32Array
         37   22 00093760 InitVariantFromInt64Array
         38   23 00093790 InitVariantFromResource
         39   24 00093820 InitVariantFromStrRet
         40   25 000938A0 InitVariantFromStringArray
         41   26 000939A0 InitVariantFromUInt16Array
         42   27 000939D0 InitVariantFromUInt32Array
         43   28 00093A00 InitVariantFromUInt64Array
         44   29 00093A30 InitVariantFromVariantArrayElem
         45   2A 0000E290 PSCoerceToCanonicalValue
         46   2B 00004490 PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore
         47   2C 000361C0 PSCreateDelayedMultiplexPropertyStore
         48   2D 0001DCC0 PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore
         49   2E 0000BF00 PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore
         50   2F 00034170 PSCreatePropertyChangeArray
         51   30 0000C080 PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject
         52   31 000382D0 PSCreatePropertyStoreFromPropertySetStorage
         53   32 0006F8C0 PSCreateSimplePropertyChange
         54   33 00005B40 PSEnumeratePropertyDescriptions
         55   34 000336C0 PSFormatForDisplay
         56   35 00010890 PSFormatForDisplayAlloc
         57   36 00075640 PSFormatPropertyValue
         58   37 000756E0 PSGetImageReferenceForValue
         59   38 00066480 PSGetItemPropertyHandler
         60   39 000664A0 PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject
         61   3A 0000FE80 PSGetNameFromPropertyKey
         62   3B 00005380 PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage
         63   3C 0000F6C0 PSGetPropertyDescription
         64   3D 00010240 PSGetPropertyDescriptionByName
         65   3E 00033F00 PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString
         66   3F 0001C920 PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage
         67   40 0000E8C0 PSGetPropertyKeyFromName
         68   41 00010620 PSGetPropertySystem
         69   42 00075770 PSGetPropertyValue
         70   43 000664B0 PSLookupPropertyHandlerCLSID
         71   44 00038810 PSPropertyBag_Delete
         72   45 00021710 PSPropertyBag_ReadBOOL
         73   46 000219D0 PSPropertyBag_ReadBSTR
         74   47 00021780 PSPropertyBag_ReadDWORD
         75   48 00021CE0 PSPropertyBag_ReadGUID
         76   49 000385F0 PSPropertyBag_ReadInt
         77   4A 00041290 PSPropertyBag_ReadLONG
         78   4B 00041160 PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL
         79   4C 0006FA00 PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS
         80   4D 0006FA50 PSPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey
         81   4E 00041020 PSPropertyBag_ReadRECTL
         82   4F 0006FB30 PSPropertyBag_ReadSHORT
         83   50 00021940 PSPropertyBag_ReadStr
         84   51 00021840 PSPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc
         85   52 000416A0 PSPropertyBag_ReadStream
         86   53 00021A40 PSPropertyBag_ReadType
         87   54 0006FBA0 PSPropertyBag_ReadULONGLONG
         88   55 000218A0 PSPropertyBag_ReadUnknown
         89   56 00038060 PSPropertyBag_WriteBOOL
         90   57 00027F10 PSPropertyBag_WriteBSTR
         91   58 00037370 PSPropertyBag_WriteDWORD
         92   59 000373D0 PSPropertyBag_WriteGUID
         93   5A 000387B0 PSPropertyBag_WriteInt
         94   5B 000387B0 PSPropertyBag_WriteLONG
         95   5C 0006FC10 PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTL
         96   5D 0006FE00 PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTS
         97   5E 000372C0 PSPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey
         98   5F 0006FE40 PSPropertyBag_WriteRECTL
         99   60 000701F0 PSPropertyBag_WriteSHORT
        100   61 00027EA0 PSPropertyBag_WriteStr
        101   62 00037930 PSPropertyBag_WriteStream
        102   63 00070250 PSPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG
        103   64 00037930 PSPropertyBag_WriteUnknown
        104   65 0000C310 PSPropertyKeyFromString
        105   66 000757F0 PSRefreshPropertySchema
        106   67 00075860 PSRegisterPropertySchema
        107   68 000758E0 PSSetPropertyValue
        108   69 000330C0 PSStringFromPropertyKey
        109   6A 00075960 PSUnregisterPropertySchema
        110   6B 00016E70 PropVariantChangeType
        111   6C 00018730 PropVariantCompareEx
        112   6D 000830A0 PropVariantGetBooleanElem
        113   6E 00083100 PropVariantGetDoubleElem
        114   6F 000198A0 PropVariantGetElementCount
        115   70 00083120 PropVariantGetFileTimeElem
        116   71 00083140 PropVariantGetInt16Elem
        117   72 00083160 PropVariantGetInt32Elem
        118   73 00083180 PropVariantGetInt64Elem
        119   74 000831A0 PropVariantGetStringElem
        120   75 000833A0 PropVariantGetUInt16Elem
        121   76 000833C0 PropVariantGetUInt32Elem
        122   77 000833E0 PropVariantGetUInt64Elem
        123   78 0002DCC0 PropVariantToBSTR
        124   79 00038CE0 PropVariantToBoolean
        125   7A 00083400 PropVariantToBooleanVector
        126   7B 00083410 PropVariantToBooleanVectorAlloc
        127   7C 00038BB0 PropVariantToBooleanWithDefault
        128   7D 00036CB0 PropVariantToBuffer
        129   7E 00040080 PropVariantToDouble
        130   7F 00083420 PropVariantToDoubleVector
        131   80 00083430 PropVariantToDoubleVectorAlloc
        132   81 00083440 PropVariantToDoubleWithDefault
        133   82 0002CF90 PropVariantToFileTime
        134   83 00083480 PropVariantToFileTimeVector
        135   84 00083490 PropVariantToFileTimeVectorAlloc
        136   85 00033B40 PropVariantToGUID
        137   86 000834A0 PropVariantToInt16
        138   87 00083570 PropVariantToInt16Vector
        139   88 00083580 PropVariantToInt16VectorAlloc
        140   89 00083590 PropVariantToInt16WithDefault
        141   8A 0002EE90 PropVariantToInt32
        142   8B 000835D0 PropVariantToInt32Vector
        143   8C 000835E0 PropVariantToInt32VectorAlloc
        144   8D 0002EE50 PropVariantToInt32WithDefault
        145   8E 000835F0 PropVariantToInt64
        146   8F 00083700 PropVariantToInt64Vector
        147   90 00083710 PropVariantToInt64VectorAlloc
        148   91 00083720 PropVariantToInt64WithDefault
        149   92 00083760 PropVariantToStrRet
        150   93 0002D9D0 PropVariantToString
        151   94 00014000 PropVariantToStringAlloc
        152   95 00083900 PropVariantToStringVector
        153   96 00013050 PropVariantToStringVectorAlloc
        154   97 00020D00 PropVariantToStringWithDefault
        155   98 00083C60 PropVariantToUInt16
        156   99 00083D40 PropVariantToUInt16Vector
        157   9A 00083D50 PropVariantToUInt16VectorAlloc
        158   9B 00083D60 PropVariantToUInt16WithDefault
        159   9C 00014FE0 PropVariantToUInt32
        160   9D 00083DA0 PropVariantToUInt32Vector
        161   9E 00083DB0 PropVariantToUInt32VectorAlloc
        162   9F 00029BA0 PropVariantToUInt32WithDefault
        163   A0 00034BA0 PropVariantToUInt64
        164   A1 00083DC0 PropVariantToUInt64Vector
        165   A2 00083DD0 PropVariantToUInt64VectorAlloc
        166   A3 00083DE0 PropVariantToUInt64WithDefault
        167   A4 00021B90 PropVariantToVariant
        435   A5 00025A40 PropVariantToWinRTPropertyValue
        168   A6 0001E5D0 StgDeserializePropVariant
        169   A7 00004020 StgSerializePropVariant
        170   A8 00015350 VariantCompare
        171   A9 00093BC0 VariantGetBooleanElem
        172   AA 00093C20 VariantGetDoubleElem
        173   AB 00093C40 VariantGetElementCount
        174   AC 00093CB0 VariantGetInt16Elem
        175   AD 00093CD0 VariantGetInt32Elem
        176   AE 00093CF0 VariantGetInt64Elem
        177   AF 00093D10 VariantGetStringElem
        178   B0 00093E70 VariantGetUInt16Elem
        179   B1 00093E90 VariantGetUInt32Elem
        180   B2 00093EB0 VariantGetUInt64Elem
        181   B3 000379E0 VariantToBoolean
        182   B4 00093ED0 VariantToBooleanArray
        183   B5 00093F30 VariantToBooleanArrayAlloc
        184   B6 00005B00 VariantToBooleanWithDefault
        185   B7 00020E60 VariantToBuffer
        186   B8 00093F90 VariantToDosDateTime
        187   B9 000940C0 VariantToDouble
        188   BA 000941C0 VariantToDoubleArray
        189   BB 00094220 VariantToDoubleArrayAlloc
        190   BC 00094280 VariantToDoubleWithDefault
        191   BD 000942C0 VariantToFileTime
        192   BE 000224B0 VariantToGUID
        193   BF 00094390 VariantToInt16
        194   C0 00094470 VariantToInt16Array
        195   C1 000944D0 VariantToInt16ArrayAlloc
        196   C2 00094530 VariantToInt16WithDefault
        197   C3 0002ED50 VariantToInt32
        198   C4 0003FF70 VariantToInt32Array
        199   C5 00094570 VariantToInt32ArrayAlloc
        200   C6 0002ED10 VariantToInt32WithDefault
        201   C7 000945D0 VariantToInt64
        202   C8 000946F0 VariantToInt64Array
        203   C9 00094750 VariantToInt64ArrayAlloc
        204   CA 000947B0 VariantToInt64WithDefault
        205   CB 0002F020 VariantToPropVariant
        206   CC 000947F0 VariantToStrRet
        207   CD 000368A0 VariantToString
        208   CE 00042C00 VariantToStringAlloc
        209   CF 00094840 VariantToStringArray
        210   D0 000949D0 VariantToStringArrayAlloc
        211   D1 00020D50 VariantToStringWithDefault
        212   D2 00094B80 VariantToUInt16
        213   D3 00094C70 VariantToUInt16Array
        214   D4 00094CD0 VariantToUInt16ArrayAlloc
        215   D5 00094D30 VariantToUInt16WithDefault
        216   D6 00004D60 VariantToUInt32
        217   D7 00094D70 VariantToUInt32Array
        218   D8 00094DD0 VariantToUInt32ArrayAlloc
        219   D9 00004D20 VariantToUInt32WithDefault
        220   DA 00037A90 VariantToUInt64
        221   DB 00094E30 VariantToUInt64Array
        222   DC 00094E90 VariantToUInt64ArrayAlloc
        223   DD 00094EF0 VariantToUInt64WithDefault
        436   DE 0002C1B0 WinRTPropertyValueToPropVariant
        400      0000B930 [NONAME]
        402      00082BA0 [NONAME]
        403      00092670 [NONAME]
        404      00083B20 [NONAME]
        405      0006F690 [NONAME]
        406      0006F7B0 [NONAME]
        407      000213F0 [NONAME]
        408      0000B5D0 [NONAME]
        409      00005380 [NONAME]
        410      0001C920 [NONAME]
        411      00082D40 [NONAME]
        412      00083850 [NONAME]
        413      00061C30 [NONAME]
        414      0006E930 [NONAME]
        415      000606D0 [NONAME]
        416      000388A0 [NONAME]
        417      0000CA10 [NONAME]
        418      0003C5D0 [NONAME]
        420      00092460 [NONAME]
        421      00064800 [NONAME]
        422      00064A10 [NONAME]
        423      00035990 [NONAME]
        424      0000DB10 [NONAME]
        425      000792D0 [NONAME]
        426      00079410 [NONAME]
        427      000913D0 [NONAME]
        428      000913C0 [NONAME]
        429      00003930 [NONAME]
        430      0003C5D0 [NONAME]
        431      0007BD70 [NONAME]
        432      000349D0 [NONAME]
        433      0006D1E0 [NONAME]
        434      0001C130 [NONAME]
        437      00003760 [NONAME]
        438      0006D2F0 [NONAME]
        439      00021F80 [NONAME]
        440      0002AEA0 [NONAME]
        441      0002B240 [NONAME]
        442      0007A4A0 [NONAME]
        443      0007A3D0 [NONAME]
        444      00030DC0 [NONAME]
        445      000343A0 [NONAME]
        446      000121A0 [NONAME]
        447      0006F950 [NONAME]


        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        A000 .pdata
       47000 .rdata
        5000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       9C000 .text

Integridad de la dll propsys.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          70AE5CD70DF18EC7EE9BBDB3C0A07B83446077DFEB1FEF88C38DDF4006023C81       C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll              

Detalles sobre el fichero dll propsys.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : propsys.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll
                    InternalName:     propsys.dll
                    OriginalFilename: propsys.dll.mui
                    FileVersion:      7.0.19041.561 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Sistema de propiedades de Microsoft
                    Product:          Windows® Search
                    ProductVersion:   7.0.19041.561
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Español (España, internacional)
BaseName          : propsys
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-propsys_31bf3856ad364e35_7.0.19041.546_none_440201060bbe505b\propsys.
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : propsys.dll
Length            : 1009216
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:42:56
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:42:56
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 14:20:28
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 13:20:28
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:42:57
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:42:57
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll propsys.dll
