¿Para qué sirve la dll rilproxy.dll?

Windows Cellular RIL Proxy

Dependencias de la dll rilproxy.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:



        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        4000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        A000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll rilproxy.dll

55    0 000033B0 RIL_AddCallForwarding
128    1 00001FA0 RIL_AvoidCDMASystem
127    2 00001870 RIL_CancelGetOperatorList
98    3 00003D00 RIL_CancelSupServiceDataSession
59    4 000036A0 RIL_ChangeCallBarringPassword
27    5 00004C90 RIL_ChangeUiccLockPassword
106    6 00004690 RIL_CloseUiccLogicalChannel
107    7 000046D0 RIL_CloseUiccLogicalChannelGroup
30    8 00004E40 RIL_DeactivatePerso
2    9 00002080 RIL_Deinitialize
100    A 00005310 RIL_DeleteAdditionalNumberString
74    B 000025A0 RIL_DeleteMsg
33    C 000050C0 RIL_DeletePhonebookEntry
90    D 00001D20 RIL_DevSpecific
117    E 00002C20 RIL_Dial
50    F 00002B30 RIL_Dial_V1
121   10 00005860 RIL_DisableModemFilters
5   11 000022B0 RIL_DisableNotifications
124   12 000058E0 RIL_DrainModemLogs
52   13 00003280 RIL_EmergencyModeControl
120   14 00005820 RIL_EnableModemFilters
4   15 000021C0 RIL_EnableNotifications
13   16 00004100 RIL_EnumerateSlots
108   17 00004710 RIL_ExchangeUiccAPDU
35   18 00005200 RIL_GetAllAdditionalNumberStrings
36   19 00005350 RIL_GetAllEmergencyNumbers
57   1A 00003520 RIL_GetCallBarringStatus
53   1B 000032C0 RIL_GetCallForwardingSettings
60   1C 00003860 RIL_GetCallWaitingSettings
62   1D 00003940 RIL_GetCallerIdSettings
14   1E 00004120 RIL_GetCardInfo
75   1F 000025E0 RIL_GetCellBroadcastMsgConfig
45   20 00001830 RIL_GetCurrentRegStatus
95   21 000011F0 RIL_GetDMProfileConfigInfo
7   22 00001170 RIL_GetDevCaps
8   23 000011B0 RIL_GetDeviceInfo
63   24 00003980 RIL_GetDialedIdSettings
6   25 00001130 RIL_GetDriverVersion
114   26 00004040 RIL_GetEmergencyMode
9   27 000012C0 RIL_GetEquipmentState
40   28 00001460 RIL_GetExecutorConfig
112   29 00003F50 RIL_GetExecutorFocus
115   2A 00004080 RIL_GetExecutorRFState
64   2B 000039C0 RIL_GetHideConnectedIdSettings
65   2C 00003A00 RIL_GetHideIdSettings
20   2D 00004500 RIL_GetIMSI
83   2E 00002AF0 RIL_GetIMSStatus
77   2F 00002720 RIL_GetMsgInUiccStatus
71   30 00002480 RIL_GetMsgServiceOptions
12   31 00001360 RIL_GetNotificationFilterState
3   32 000020C0 RIL_GetNumberOfModems
43   33 000016E0 RIL_GetOperatorList
131   34 000018B0 RIL_GetPSMediaConfiguration
29   35 00004E00 RIL_GetPersoDeactivationState
34   36 000051C0 RIL_GetPhonebookOptions
84   37 00001A10 RIL_GetPositionInfo
44   38 00001720 RIL_GetPreferredOperatorList
103   39 00001F40 RIL_GetRFState
38   3A 000013C0 RIL_GetRadioConfiguration
86   3B 00001B20 RIL_GetRadioStateDetails
85   3C 00001AE0 RIL_GetRadioStateGroups
81   3D 000029D0 RIL_GetSMSC
46   3E 000019D0 RIL_GetSignalQuality
21   3F 00004540 RIL_GetSubscriberNumbers
42   40 000016A0 RIL_GetSystemSelectionPrefs
135   41 000048E0 RIL_GetTerminalCapability
104   42 00004580 RIL_GetUiccATR
28   43 00004DC0 RIL_GetUiccAppPersoCheckState
22   44 00004900 RIL_GetUiccLockState
19   45 000044C0 RIL_GetUiccPRLID
16   46 000041A0 RIL_GetUiccRecordStatus
23   47 00004950 RIL_GetUiccServiceLock
110   48 00005670 RIL_GetUiccServiceState
93   49 00005490 RIL_GetUiccToolkitProfile
1   4A 00001FE0 RIL_Initialize
137   4B 000030C0 RIL_ManageCalls
51   4C 00002DB0 RIL_ManageCalls_V1
118   4D 00002E20 RIL_ManageCalls_V2
132   4E 00002F30 RIL_ManageCalls_V3
105   4F 000045C0 RIL_OpenUiccLogicalChannel
89   50 00001CE0 RIL_RadioStateGetPasswordRetryCount
88   51 00001C40 RIL_RadioStatePasswordCompare
72   52 000024C0 RIL_ReadMsg
31   53 00004EE0 RIL_ReadPhonebookEntries
91   54 00005370 RIL_RegisterUiccToolkitService
56   55 000034B0 RIL_RemoveCallForwarding
125   56 00001F60 RIL_ResetModem
68   57 00003DE0 RIL_SendDTMF
66   58 00003A40 RIL_SendFlash
80   59 00002810 RIL_SendMsg
129   5A 00002940 RIL_SendMsgAck
101   5B 000028C0 RIL_SendMsgAck_V1
138   5C 00003D40 RIL_SendRTT
17   5D 00004210 RIL_SendRestrictedUiccCmd
67   5E 00003B20 RIL_SendSupServiceData
97   5F 00003C10 RIL_SendSupServiceDataResponse
48   60 000054B0 RIL_SendUiccToolkitCmdResponse
94   61 00005590 RIL_SendUiccToolkitEnvelope
58   62 00003590 RIL_SetCallBarringStatus
54   63 00003330 RIL_SetCallForwardingStatus
61   64 000038D0 RIL_SetCallWaitingStatus
76   65 00002620 RIL_SetCellBroadcastMsgConfig
96   66 00001230 RIL_SetDMProfileConfigInfo
10   67 000012E0 RIL_SetEquipmentState
39   68 000013E0 RIL_SetExecutorConfig
113   69 00003F70 RIL_SetExecutorFocus
116   6A 000040C0 RIL_SetExecutorRFState
133   6B 00001A50 RIL_SetGeolocationData
78   6C 00002760 RIL_SetMsgInUiccStatus
79   6D 000027D0 RIL_SetMsgMemoryStatus
11   6E 00001320 RIL_SetNotificationFilterState
130   6F 000018F0 RIL_SetPSMediaConfiguration
109   70 00001760 RIL_SetPreferredOperatorList
119   71 00001E20 RIL_SetRFState
102   72 00001DE0 RIL_SetRFState_V1
37   73 00001380 RIL_SetRadioConfiguration
87   74 00001B60 RIL_SetRadioStateDetails
82   75 00002A10 RIL_SetSMSC
15   76 00004160 RIL_SetSlotPower
126   77 00001590 RIL_SetSystemSelectionPrefs
41   78 000014A0 RIL_SetSystemSelectionPrefs_V1
134   79 00004800 RIL_SetTerminalCapability
25   7A 00004A80 RIL_SetUiccLockEnabled
111   7B 000056B0 RIL_SetUiccServiceState
92   7C 000053B0 RIL_SetUiccToolkitProfile
69   7D 00003ED0 RIL_StartDTMF
122   7E 000058A0 RIL_StartModemLogs
70   7F 00003F10 RIL_StopDTMF
123   80 000058C0 RIL_StopModemLogs
26   81 00004B60 RIL_UnblockUiccLock
24   82 000049A0 RIL_VerifyUiccLock
18   83 000043D0 RIL_WatchUiccFileChange
99   84 00005240 RIL_WriteAdditionalNumberString
73   85 00002500 RIL_WriteMsg
32   86 00004F50 RIL_WritePhonebookEntry

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll rilproxy.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for rilProxy.dll

    00000000 characteristics
     F84F30E time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         138 number of functions
         135 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

         55    0 000033B0 RIL_AddCallForwarding
        128    1 00001FA0 RIL_AvoidCDMASystem
        127    2 00001870 RIL_CancelGetOperatorList
         98    3 00003D00 RIL_CancelSupServiceDataSession
         59    4 000036A0 RIL_ChangeCallBarringPassword
         27    5 00004C90 RIL_ChangeUiccLockPassword
        106    6 00004690 RIL_CloseUiccLogicalChannel
        107    7 000046D0 RIL_CloseUiccLogicalChannelGroup
         30    8 00004E40 RIL_DeactivatePerso
          2    9 00002080 RIL_Deinitialize
        100    A 00005310 RIL_DeleteAdditionalNumberString
         74    B 000025A0 RIL_DeleteMsg
         33    C 000050C0 RIL_DeletePhonebookEntry
         90    D 00001D20 RIL_DevSpecific
        117    E 00002C20 RIL_Dial
         50    F 00002B30 RIL_Dial_V1
        121   10 00005860 RIL_DisableModemFilters
          5   11 000022B0 RIL_DisableNotifications
        124   12 000058E0 RIL_DrainModemLogs
         52   13 00003280 RIL_EmergencyModeControl
        120   14 00005820 RIL_EnableModemFilters
          4   15 000021C0 RIL_EnableNotifications
         13   16 00004100 RIL_EnumerateSlots
        108   17 00004710 RIL_ExchangeUiccAPDU
         35   18 00005200 RIL_GetAllAdditionalNumberStrings
         36   19 00005350 RIL_GetAllEmergencyNumbers
         57   1A 00003520 RIL_GetCallBarringStatus
         53   1B 000032C0 RIL_GetCallForwardingSettings
         60   1C 00003860 RIL_GetCallWaitingSettings
         62   1D 00003940 RIL_GetCallerIdSettings
         14   1E 00004120 RIL_GetCardInfo
         75   1F 000025E0 RIL_GetCellBroadcastMsgConfig
         45   20 00001830 RIL_GetCurrentRegStatus
         95   21 000011F0 RIL_GetDMProfileConfigInfo
          7   22 00001170 RIL_GetDevCaps
          8   23 000011B0 RIL_GetDeviceInfo
         63   24 00003980 RIL_GetDialedIdSettings
          6   25 00001130 RIL_GetDriverVersion
        114   26 00004040 RIL_GetEmergencyMode
          9   27 000012C0 RIL_GetEquipmentState
         40   28 00001460 RIL_GetExecutorConfig
        112   29 00003F50 RIL_GetExecutorFocus
        115   2A 00004080 RIL_GetExecutorRFState
         64   2B 000039C0 RIL_GetHideConnectedIdSettings
         65   2C 00003A00 RIL_GetHideIdSettings
         20   2D 00004500 RIL_GetIMSI
         83   2E 00002AF0 RIL_GetIMSStatus
         77   2F 00002720 RIL_GetMsgInUiccStatus
         71   30 00002480 RIL_GetMsgServiceOptions
         12   31 00001360 RIL_GetNotificationFilterState
          3   32 000020C0 RIL_GetNumberOfModems
         43   33 000016E0 RIL_GetOperatorList
        131   34 000018B0 RIL_GetPSMediaConfiguration
         29   35 00004E00 RIL_GetPersoDeactivationState
         34   36 000051C0 RIL_GetPhonebookOptions
         84   37 00001A10 RIL_GetPositionInfo
         44   38 00001720 RIL_GetPreferredOperatorList
        103   39 00001F40 RIL_GetRFState
         38   3A 000013C0 RIL_GetRadioConfiguration
         86   3B 00001B20 RIL_GetRadioStateDetails
         85   3C 00001AE0 RIL_GetRadioStateGroups
         81   3D 000029D0 RIL_GetSMSC
         46   3E 000019D0 RIL_GetSignalQuality
         21   3F 00004540 RIL_GetSubscriberNumbers
         42   40 000016A0 RIL_GetSystemSelectionPrefs
        135   41 000048E0 RIL_GetTerminalCapability
        104   42 00004580 RIL_GetUiccATR
         28   43 00004DC0 RIL_GetUiccAppPersoCheckState
         22   44 00004900 RIL_GetUiccLockState
         19   45 000044C0 RIL_GetUiccPRLID
         16   46 000041A0 RIL_GetUiccRecordStatus
         23   47 00004950 RIL_GetUiccServiceLock
        110   48 00005670 RIL_GetUiccServiceState
         93   49 00005490 RIL_GetUiccToolkitProfile
          1   4A 00001FE0 RIL_Initialize
        137   4B 000030C0 RIL_ManageCalls
         51   4C 00002DB0 RIL_ManageCalls_V1
        118   4D 00002E20 RIL_ManageCalls_V2
        132   4E 00002F30 RIL_ManageCalls_V3
        105   4F 000045C0 RIL_OpenUiccLogicalChannel
         89   50 00001CE0 RIL_RadioStateGetPasswordRetryCount
         88   51 00001C40 RIL_RadioStatePasswordCompare
         72   52 000024C0 RIL_ReadMsg
         31   53 00004EE0 RIL_ReadPhonebookEntries
         91   54 00005370 RIL_RegisterUiccToolkitService
         56   55 000034B0 RIL_RemoveCallForwarding
        125   56 00001F60 RIL_ResetModem
         68   57 00003DE0 RIL_SendDTMF
         66   58 00003A40 RIL_SendFlash
         80   59 00002810 RIL_SendMsg
        129   5A 00002940 RIL_SendMsgAck
        101   5B 000028C0 RIL_SendMsgAck_V1
        138   5C 00003D40 RIL_SendRTT
         17   5D 00004210 RIL_SendRestrictedUiccCmd
         67   5E 00003B20 RIL_SendSupServiceData
         97   5F 00003C10 RIL_SendSupServiceDataResponse
         48   60 000054B0 RIL_SendUiccToolkitCmdResponse
         94   61 00005590 RIL_SendUiccToolkitEnvelope
         58   62 00003590 RIL_SetCallBarringStatus
         54   63 00003330 RIL_SetCallForwardingStatus
         61   64 000038D0 RIL_SetCallWaitingStatus
         76   65 00002620 RIL_SetCellBroadcastMsgConfig
         96   66 00001230 RIL_SetDMProfileConfigInfo
         10   67 000012E0 RIL_SetEquipmentState
         39   68 000013E0 RIL_SetExecutorConfig
        113   69 00003F70 RIL_SetExecutorFocus
        116   6A 000040C0 RIL_SetExecutorRFState
        133   6B 00001A50 RIL_SetGeolocationData
         78   6C 00002760 RIL_SetMsgInUiccStatus
         79   6D 000027D0 RIL_SetMsgMemoryStatus
         11   6E 00001320 RIL_SetNotificationFilterState
        130   6F 000018F0 RIL_SetPSMediaConfiguration
        109   70 00001760 RIL_SetPreferredOperatorList
        119   71 00001E20 RIL_SetRFState
        102   72 00001DE0 RIL_SetRFState_V1
         37   73 00001380 RIL_SetRadioConfiguration
         87   74 00001B60 RIL_SetRadioStateDetails
         82   75 00002A10 RIL_SetSMSC
         15   76 00004160 RIL_SetSlotPower
        126   77 00001590 RIL_SetSystemSelectionPrefs
         41   78 000014A0 RIL_SetSystemSelectionPrefs_V1
        134   79 00004800 RIL_SetTerminalCapability
         25   7A 00004A80 RIL_SetUiccLockEnabled
        111   7B 000056B0 RIL_SetUiccServiceState
         92   7C 000053B0 RIL_SetUiccToolkitProfile
         69   7D 00003ED0 RIL_StartDTMF
        122   7E 000058A0 RIL_StartModemLogs
         70   7F 00003F10 RIL_StopDTMF
        123   80 000058C0 RIL_StopModemLogs
         26   81 00004B60 RIL_UnblockUiccLock
         24   82 000049A0 RIL_VerifyUiccLock
         18   83 000043D0 RIL_WatchUiccFileChange
         99   84 00005240 RIL_WriteAdditionalNumberString
         73   85 00002500 RIL_WriteMsg
         32   86 00004F50 RIL_WritePhonebookEntry


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        4000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        A000 .text

Integridad de la dll rilproxy.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          8FBF5ECB938268D5DF468D723BFF8FF9EC6A17FBEE04C8847E889A027190A2F9       C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll             

Detalles sobre el fichero dll rilproxy.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : rilproxy.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll
                    InternalName:     RilProxy.dll
                    OriginalFilename: RilProxy.dll
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Windows Cellular RIL Proxy
                    Product:          Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.1
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Inglés (Estados Unidos)
BaseName          : rilproxy
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-c..ellcore-cellularapi_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_a80387c78a3
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : rilproxy.dll
Length            : 58880
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\rilproxy.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 07/12/2019 10:09:32
CreationTimeUtc   : 07/12/2019 9:09:32
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 14:42:06
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 13:42:06
LastWriteTime     : 07/12/2019 10:09:32
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 07/12/2019 9:09:32
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll rilproxy.dll