¿Para qué sirve la dll sqmapi.dll?

SQM Client

Dependencias de la dll sqmapi.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:



        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        3000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        6000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll sqmapi.dll

12    0 000046B0 SqmAddToAverage
13    1 000046E0 SqmAddToStream
14    2 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamDWord
15    3 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamDWord64
16    4 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamString
17    5 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamV
2    6 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamDWord
1    7 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamDWord64
3    8 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamString
5    9 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetDWord
4    A 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetDWord64
6    B 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetString
18    C 000046B0 SqmCleanup
19    D 000046B0 SqmClearFlags
20    E 00004710 SqmCreateNewId
21    F 000046B0 SqmEndSession
22   10 000046B0 SqmEndSessionEx
23   11 000046B0 SqmFlushSession
24   12 00004740 SqmGetEnabled
7   13 000010B0 SqmGetEscalationRuleStatus
25   14 00004760 SqmGetFlags
8   15 00004670 SqmGetInstrumentationProperty
26   16 00004790 SqmGetLastUploadTime
27   17 000047C0 SqmGetMachineId
28   18 000046B0 SqmGetSession
29   19 00004740 SqmGetSessionStartTime
30   1A 000047C0 SqmGetUserId
31   1B 000046B0 SqmIncrement
32   1C 000010B0 SqmIsNamespaceEnabled
33   1D 000010B0 SqmIsWindowsOptedIn
9   1E 000046B0 SqmLoadEscalationManifest
34   1F 00004710 SqmReadSharedMachineId
35   20 00004710 SqmReadSharedUserId
36   21 000046B0 SqmSet
37   22 000046B0 SqmSetAppId
38   23 000046B0 SqmSetAppVersion
39   24 000046B0 SqmSetBits
40   25 000046B0 SqmSetBool
41   26 000046B0 SqmSetCurrentTimeAsUploadTime
42   27 000046B0 SqmSetDWord64
43   28 000046B0 SqmSetEnabled
10   29 000046B0 SqmSetEscalationInfo
44   2A 000046B0 SqmSetFlags
45   2B 000046B0 SqmSetIfMax
46   2C 000046B0 SqmSetIfMin
47   2D 000046B0 SqmSetMachineId
48   2E 000046B0 SqmSetString
49   2F 000046B0 SqmSetUserId
50   30 000046B0 SqmStartSession
51   31 00004740 SqmStartUpload
52   32 00004740 SqmStartUploadEx
53   33 00004400 SqmSysprepCleanup
54   34 00004420 SqmSysprepGeneralize
55   35 000046B0 SqmTimerAccumulate
56   36 000046B0 SqmTimerAddToAverage
57   37 000046B0 SqmTimerRecord
58   38 000046B0 SqmTimerStart
59   39 000045F0 SqmUnattendedSetup
11   3A 000046B0 SqmUnloadEscalationManifest
60   3B 000046B0 SqmWaitForUploadComplete
61   3C 000046B0 SqmWriteSharedMachineId
62   3D 000046B0 SqmWriteSharedUserId

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll sqmapi.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for sqmapi.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    CBF26285 time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
          62 number of functions
          62 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

         12    0 000046B0 SqmAddToAverage
         13    1 000046E0 SqmAddToStream
         14    2 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamDWord
         15    3 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamDWord64
         16    4 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamString
         17    5 000046B0 SqmAddToStreamV
          2    6 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamDWord
          1    7 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamDWord64
          3    8 00004600 SqmCheckEscalationAddToStreamString
          5    9 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetDWord
          4    A 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetDWord64
          6    B 00004640 SqmCheckEscalationSetString
         18    C 000046B0 SqmCleanup
         19    D 000046B0 SqmClearFlags
         20    E 00004710 SqmCreateNewId
         21    F 000046B0 SqmEndSession
         22   10 000046B0 SqmEndSessionEx
         23   11 000046B0 SqmFlushSession
         24   12 00004740 SqmGetEnabled
          7   13 000010B0 SqmGetEscalationRuleStatus
         25   14 00004760 SqmGetFlags
          8   15 00004670 SqmGetInstrumentationProperty
         26   16 00004790 SqmGetLastUploadTime
         27   17 000047C0 SqmGetMachineId
         28   18 000046B0 SqmGetSession
         29   19 00004740 SqmGetSessionStartTime
         30   1A 000047C0 SqmGetUserId
         31   1B 000046B0 SqmIncrement
         32   1C 000010B0 SqmIsNamespaceEnabled
         33   1D 000010B0 SqmIsWindowsOptedIn
          9   1E 000046B0 SqmLoadEscalationManifest
         34   1F 00004710 SqmReadSharedMachineId
         35   20 00004710 SqmReadSharedUserId
         36   21 000046B0 SqmSet
         37   22 000046B0 SqmSetAppId
         38   23 000046B0 SqmSetAppVersion
         39   24 000046B0 SqmSetBits
         40   25 000046B0 SqmSetBool
         41   26 000046B0 SqmSetCurrentTimeAsUploadTime
         42   27 000046B0 SqmSetDWord64
         43   28 000046B0 SqmSetEnabled
         10   29 000046B0 SqmSetEscalationInfo
         44   2A 000046B0 SqmSetFlags
         45   2B 000046B0 SqmSetIfMax
         46   2C 000046B0 SqmSetIfMin
         47   2D 000046B0 SqmSetMachineId
         48   2E 000046B0 SqmSetString
         49   2F 000046B0 SqmSetUserId
         50   30 000046B0 SqmStartSession
         51   31 00004740 SqmStartUpload
         52   32 00004740 SqmStartUploadEx
         53   33 00004400 SqmSysprepCleanup
         54   34 00004420 SqmSysprepGeneralize
         55   35 000046B0 SqmTimerAccumulate
         56   36 000046B0 SqmTimerAddToAverage
         57   37 000046B0 SqmTimerRecord
         58   38 000046B0 SqmTimerStart
         59   39 000045F0 SqmUnattendedSetup
         11   3A 000046B0 SqmUnloadEscalationManifest
         60   3B 000046B0 SqmWaitForUploadComplete
         61   3C 000046B0 SqmWriteSharedMachineId
         62   3D 000046B0 SqmWriteSharedUserId


        1000 .data
        1000 .pdata
        3000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
        6000 .text

Integridad de la dll sqmapi.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                         
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                         
SHA256          A0F136B7CC129466884650C4DEF111F3C03213D56F7AC3614DD920B05DEFD99F       C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll               

Detalles sobre el fichero dll sqmapi.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : sqmapi.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll
                    InternalName:     sqmapi
                    OriginalFilename: sqmapi.dll
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  SQM Client
                    Product:          Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.1
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Inglés (Estados Unidos)
BaseName          : sqmapi
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-sqmapi_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_b42ec090a42bc426\sqmapi.dll
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : sqmapi.dll
Length            : 48536
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 07/12/2019 10:09:00
CreationTimeUtc   : 07/12/2019 9:09:00
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 15:25:56
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 14:25:56
LastWriteTime     : 07/12/2019 10:09:00
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 07/12/2019 9:09:00
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll sqmapi.dll