¿Para qué sirve la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll?

Biblioteca de aprovisionamiento de núcleo de TPM

Dependencias de la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:


  Image has the following delay load dependencies:



        3000 .data
        1000 .didat
        8000 .pdata
       47000 .rdata
        2000 .reloc
        2000 .rsrc
       C6000 .text

Funciones que tiene la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

140    0 0000EB60 DllCanUnloadNow
1    1 00030CD0 Tpm20CanClearUsingAuthPolicy
2    2 00030D90 Tpm20ClearUsingAuthPolicy
3    3 00033C40 Tpm20GetCompleteManufacturerVersion
4    4 00031180 Tpm20IsResetLockoutCountNeeded
5    5 00031240 Tpm20ResetLockoutCountIfNeeded
6    6 00030220 Tpm2CreateWindowsNvBits
7    7 000302E0 Tpm2ReadWindowsNvBit
8    8 000303B0 Tpm2SetWindowsNvBit
9    9 00031980 TpmAddBlockedCommand
10    A 00042250 TpmCertCheckEkCertMatchedEkPub
11    B 0003F8A0 TpmCertDeleteHealthCert
12    C 0003EC40 TpmCertDeleteHealthEndpoint
13    D 0003F7D0 TpmCertGetCurrentProtocolVersion
14    E 00047110 TpmCertGetEkCertFromWeb
15    F 00046D00 TpmCertGetFormattedHASUrl
16   10 000467F0 TpmCertGetFormattedUrl
17   11 00044AC0 TpmCertGetFwLinkId
141   12 0003E8F0 TpmCertGetHASProtocolVersion
18   13 0003F490 TpmCertGetHealthCert
19   14 00049F50 TpmCertGetHealthCertFromWeb
20   15 0003EE30 TpmCertGetHealthCorrelationId
21   16 0003EB70 TpmCertGetHealthEndpoint
22   17 0003EFE0 TpmCertGetHealthForceRetrieve
23   18 0003F180 TpmCertGetHealthStatusCode
24   19 000499A0 TpmCertGetHealthStatusRequestBlob
25   1A 00043BF0 TpmCertGetIsActiveZeroExhaust
26   1B 0003F570 TpmCertGetMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion
27   1C 0003F630 TpmCertGetPreferredMaximumProtocolVersion
28   1D 00041D00 TpmCertGetTpmManufacturerId
29   1E 00040350 TpmCertGetWindowsAik
30   1F 00042340 TpmCertInstallEkCertInRegistry
31   20 00041DC0 TpmCertInstallNvEkCerts
32   21 0003FC00 TpmCertIsHealthCertOnBootEnabled
33   22 000456D0 TpmCertParseHealthResponse
34   23 00049AE0 TpmCertPostHealthXmlData
35   24 00042090 TpmCertQueryEkPub
142   25 0003E9E0 TpmCertSetEkAttestationOverride
36   26 0003EAB0 TpmCertSetHealthEndpoint
37   27 0003EF10 TpmCertSetHealthForceRetrieve
38   28 0003F0B0 TpmCertSetHealthStatusCode
39   29 0003F700 TpmCertSetPreferredMaximumProtocolVersion
40   2A 0004A230 TpmCertVerifyHealthCertFromWeb
41   2B 00031090 TpmChangeOwnerAuth
42   2C 00032EB0 TpmCheckCreateWindowsAIK
43   2D 0004CFB0 TpmCheckIFXRSAKeyGenVulnerability
44   2E 00030E50 TpmClear
45   2F 00033870 TpmClearUsingPhysicalPresence
46   30 00034050 TpmClearWithPolicyOrPPI
47   31 000314A0 TpmConvertToOwnerAuth
48   32 0002FF40 TpmCreateEndorsementKeyPair
49   33 00040030 TpmCreateHealthAttestationClaim
50   34 0003FC70 TpmCreateHealthStatusClaim
51   35 000321D0 TpmDeleteOwnerAuth
52   36 0002FD00 TpmDisable
53   37 00032040 TpmDisableAutoProvisioning
54   38 000336F0 TpmEKCertValidateAndCleanup
55   39 0002FC40 TpmEnable
56   3A 00031F10 TpmEnableAutoProvisioning
57   3B 00034120 TpmGatherLogs
58   3C 0004CAB0 TpmGatherTpmData
59   3D 00032DE0 TpmGetCapLockoutInfo
60   3E 00033EC0 TpmGetDeviceInformation
61   3F 00032B50 TpmGetDictionaryAttackParameters
62   40 000329F0 TpmGetEffectiveGroupPolicyOwnerAuthLevel
63   41 00033570 TpmGetEndorsementKeyCertificateState
64   42 00040DE0 TpmGetHealthCertRequest
65   43 00032D20 TpmGetOrderlyShutdownInfo
66   44 00032100 TpmGetOwnerAuth
67   45 00032790 TpmGetOwnerAuthForEscrow
68   46 00032930 TpmGetOwnerAuthStatus
69   47 0002F630 TpmGetOwnershipAuthBits
70   48 00033DD0 TpmGetPPIVersion
71   49 00032430 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceConfirmationStatus
72   4A 00031710 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceRequest
73   4B 00031890 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceResponse
74   4C 000317D0 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceTransition
75   4D 000342A0 TpmGetPssSalt
76   4E 00031300 TpmGetRandomAuthValue
77   4F 00034380 TpmGetSignedEKFromVendorCommand
78   50 000325D0 TpmGetSrkADThumbprint
79   51 00032500 TpmGetSrkPublicKeyModulus
80   52 000326C0 TpmGetTcgLog
81   53 00033D10 TpmGetTpmVersion
82   54 00040F10 TpmGetVerificationRequest
83   55 0002F040 TpmGet_IsPpiVersion12
84   56 0002EE20 TpmGet_IsTpmPresent
85   57 0002EF60 TpmGet_IsTpmVersion20
86   58 0002E910 TpmGet_ManufacturerId
87   59 0002E9F0 TpmGet_ManufacturerVersion
88   5A 0002EAC0 TpmGet_ManufacturerVersionInfo
89   5B 0002EC60 TpmGet_PhysicalPresenceVersionInfo
90   5C 0002EB90 TpmGet_SpecVersion
91   5D 0002ED30 TpmGet_TpmVersionInfo
92   5E 00033F80 TpmHasVulnerableFW
93   5F 00040600 TpmHealthCertGetAndVerify
94   60 00032370 TpmImportOwnerAuth
95   61 0002F6F0 TpmIsActivated
96   62 00031E20 TpmIsAutoProvisioningEnabled
97   63 00031E40 TpmIsAutoProvisioningEnabledEx
98   64 00031BC0 TpmIsCommandBlocked
99   65 0002FAB0 TpmIsCommandPresent
100   66 0002F4B0 TpmIsEnabled
101   67 0002FDC0 TpmIsEndorsementKeyPairPresent
102   68 0002FE80 TpmIsFIPS
103   69 0002FB80 TpmIsKeyAttestationCapable
104   6A 000337B0 TpmIsLockedOut
105   6B 0002F570 TpmIsOwned
106   6C 0002F870 TpmIsOwnerClearDisabled
107   6D 0002F9F0 TpmIsOwnershipAllowed
108   6E 0002F7B0 TpmIsPhysicalClearDisabled
109   6F 0002F930 TpmIsPhysicalPresenceHardwareEnabled
110   70 00031C90 TpmIsReady
111   71 00031D50 TpmIsReadyInformation
112   72 00030F10 TpmIsSrkAuthCompatible
113   73 000300C0 TpmIsUseLegacyDictionaryAttackParametersPolicySet
114   74 0002F100 TpmManufacturerId_From_TpmVersionInfo
115   75 0002F2D0 TpmManufacturerVersionInfo_From_TpmVersionInfo
116   76 0002F1E0 TpmManufacturerVersion_From_TpmVersionInfo
117   77 00032870 TpmOwnerAuthEscrowed
118   78 00033300 TpmPrepForNgc
119   79 00032290 TpmProvision
120   7A 00031A40 TpmRemoveBlockedCommand
121   7B 00033240 TpmRemoveRegisteredWindowsAIK
122   7C 00031B00 TpmResetAuthLockOut
123   7D 00030FD0 TpmResetSrkAuth
124   7E 000333D0 TpmRetrieveEkCertOrReschedule
125   7F 00043640 TpmRetrieveEkCertificate
126   80 00043480 TpmRetrieveEkCertificateURL
127   81 00033490 TpmRetrieveHealthCertOrReschedule
128   82 000404F0 TpmRetrieveHealthCertificate
129   83 000313D0 TpmSelfTest
130   84 00032C30 TpmSetDictionaryAttackParameters
131   85 0002E5F0 TpmSetInstance
132   86 00031580 TpmSetPhysicalPresenceRequest
133   87 00031640 TpmSetPhysicalPresenceRequestEx
134   88 00033630 TpmSetToLegacyDictionaryAttackParameters
135   89 0002F3C0 TpmSpecVersion_From_TpmVersionInfo
136   8A 00030000 TpmTakeOwnership
137   8B 00033930 TpmUnattendedSetup
138   8C 00040D20 TpmVerifyDeviceHealth
139   8D 000341E0 TpmWriteInformationSnapshotFile

Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for TpmCoreProvisioning.DLL

    00000000 characteristics
    59E7308C time date stamp
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         142 number of functions
         142 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

        140    0 0000EB60 DllCanUnloadNow
          1    1 00030CD0 Tpm20CanClearUsingAuthPolicy
          2    2 00030D90 Tpm20ClearUsingAuthPolicy
          3    3 00033C40 Tpm20GetCompleteManufacturerVersion
          4    4 00031180 Tpm20IsResetLockoutCountNeeded
          5    5 00031240 Tpm20ResetLockoutCountIfNeeded
          6    6 00030220 Tpm2CreateWindowsNvBits
          7    7 000302E0 Tpm2ReadWindowsNvBit
          8    8 000303B0 Tpm2SetWindowsNvBit
          9    9 00031980 TpmAddBlockedCommand
         10    A 00042250 TpmCertCheckEkCertMatchedEkPub
         11    B 0003F8A0 TpmCertDeleteHealthCert
         12    C 0003EC40 TpmCertDeleteHealthEndpoint
         13    D 0003F7D0 TpmCertGetCurrentProtocolVersion
         14    E 00047110 TpmCertGetEkCertFromWeb
         15    F 00046D00 TpmCertGetFormattedHASUrl
         16   10 000467F0 TpmCertGetFormattedUrl
         17   11 00044AC0 TpmCertGetFwLinkId
        141   12 0003E8F0 TpmCertGetHASProtocolVersion
         18   13 0003F490 TpmCertGetHealthCert
         19   14 00049F50 TpmCertGetHealthCertFromWeb
         20   15 0003EE30 TpmCertGetHealthCorrelationId
         21   16 0003EB70 TpmCertGetHealthEndpoint
         22   17 0003EFE0 TpmCertGetHealthForceRetrieve
         23   18 0003F180 TpmCertGetHealthStatusCode
         24   19 000499A0 TpmCertGetHealthStatusRequestBlob
         25   1A 00043BF0 TpmCertGetIsActiveZeroExhaust
         26   1B 0003F570 TpmCertGetMaximumSupportedProtocolVersion
         27   1C 0003F630 TpmCertGetPreferredMaximumProtocolVersion
         28   1D 00041D00 TpmCertGetTpmManufacturerId
         29   1E 00040350 TpmCertGetWindowsAik
         30   1F 00042340 TpmCertInstallEkCertInRegistry
         31   20 00041DC0 TpmCertInstallNvEkCerts
         32   21 0003FC00 TpmCertIsHealthCertOnBootEnabled
         33   22 000456D0 TpmCertParseHealthResponse
         34   23 00049AE0 TpmCertPostHealthXmlData
         35   24 00042090 TpmCertQueryEkPub
        142   25 0003E9E0 TpmCertSetEkAttestationOverride
         36   26 0003EAB0 TpmCertSetHealthEndpoint
         37   27 0003EF10 TpmCertSetHealthForceRetrieve
         38   28 0003F0B0 TpmCertSetHealthStatusCode
         39   29 0003F700 TpmCertSetPreferredMaximumProtocolVersion
         40   2A 0004A230 TpmCertVerifyHealthCertFromWeb
         41   2B 00031090 TpmChangeOwnerAuth
         42   2C 00032EB0 TpmCheckCreateWindowsAIK
         43   2D 0004CFB0 TpmCheckIFXRSAKeyGenVulnerability
         44   2E 00030E50 TpmClear
         45   2F 00033870 TpmClearUsingPhysicalPresence
         46   30 00034050 TpmClearWithPolicyOrPPI
         47   31 000314A0 TpmConvertToOwnerAuth
         48   32 0002FF40 TpmCreateEndorsementKeyPair
         49   33 00040030 TpmCreateHealthAttestationClaim
         50   34 0003FC70 TpmCreateHealthStatusClaim
         51   35 000321D0 TpmDeleteOwnerAuth
         52   36 0002FD00 TpmDisable
         53   37 00032040 TpmDisableAutoProvisioning
         54   38 000336F0 TpmEKCertValidateAndCleanup
         55   39 0002FC40 TpmEnable
         56   3A 00031F10 TpmEnableAutoProvisioning
         57   3B 00034120 TpmGatherLogs
         58   3C 0004CAB0 TpmGatherTpmData
         59   3D 00032DE0 TpmGetCapLockoutInfo
         60   3E 00033EC0 TpmGetDeviceInformation
         61   3F 00032B50 TpmGetDictionaryAttackParameters
         62   40 000329F0 TpmGetEffectiveGroupPolicyOwnerAuthLevel
         63   41 00033570 TpmGetEndorsementKeyCertificateState
         64   42 00040DE0 TpmGetHealthCertRequest
         65   43 00032D20 TpmGetOrderlyShutdownInfo
         66   44 00032100 TpmGetOwnerAuth
         67   45 00032790 TpmGetOwnerAuthForEscrow
         68   46 00032930 TpmGetOwnerAuthStatus
         69   47 0002F630 TpmGetOwnershipAuthBits
         70   48 00033DD0 TpmGetPPIVersion
         71   49 00032430 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceConfirmationStatus
         72   4A 00031710 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceRequest
         73   4B 00031890 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceResponse
         74   4C 000317D0 TpmGetPhysicalPresenceTransition
         75   4D 000342A0 TpmGetPssSalt
         76   4E 00031300 TpmGetRandomAuthValue
         77   4F 00034380 TpmGetSignedEKFromVendorCommand
         78   50 000325D0 TpmGetSrkADThumbprint
         79   51 00032500 TpmGetSrkPublicKeyModulus
         80   52 000326C0 TpmGetTcgLog
         81   53 00033D10 TpmGetTpmVersion
         82   54 00040F10 TpmGetVerificationRequest
         83   55 0002F040 TpmGet_IsPpiVersion12
         84   56 0002EE20 TpmGet_IsTpmPresent
         85   57 0002EF60 TpmGet_IsTpmVersion20
         86   58 0002E910 TpmGet_ManufacturerId
         87   59 0002E9F0 TpmGet_ManufacturerVersion
         88   5A 0002EAC0 TpmGet_ManufacturerVersionInfo
         89   5B 0002EC60 TpmGet_PhysicalPresenceVersionInfo
         90   5C 0002EB90 TpmGet_SpecVersion
         91   5D 0002ED30 TpmGet_TpmVersionInfo
         92   5E 00033F80 TpmHasVulnerableFW
         93   5F 00040600 TpmHealthCertGetAndVerify
         94   60 00032370 TpmImportOwnerAuth
         95   61 0002F6F0 TpmIsActivated
         96   62 00031E20 TpmIsAutoProvisioningEnabled
         97   63 00031E40 TpmIsAutoProvisioningEnabledEx
         98   64 00031BC0 TpmIsCommandBlocked
         99   65 0002FAB0 TpmIsCommandPresent
        100   66 0002F4B0 TpmIsEnabled
        101   67 0002FDC0 TpmIsEndorsementKeyPairPresent
        102   68 0002FE80 TpmIsFIPS
        103   69 0002FB80 TpmIsKeyAttestationCapable
        104   6A 000337B0 TpmIsLockedOut
        105   6B 0002F570 TpmIsOwned
        106   6C 0002F870 TpmIsOwnerClearDisabled
        107   6D 0002F9F0 TpmIsOwnershipAllowed
        108   6E 0002F7B0 TpmIsPhysicalClearDisabled
        109   6F 0002F930 TpmIsPhysicalPresenceHardwareEnabled
        110   70 00031C90 TpmIsReady
        111   71 00031D50 TpmIsReadyInformation
        112   72 00030F10 TpmIsSrkAuthCompatible
        113   73 000300C0 TpmIsUseLegacyDictionaryAttackParametersPolicySet
        114   74 0002F100 TpmManufacturerId_From_TpmVersionInfo
        115   75 0002F2D0 TpmManufacturerVersionInfo_From_TpmVersionInfo
        116   76 0002F1E0 TpmManufacturerVersion_From_TpmVersionInfo
        117   77 00032870 TpmOwnerAuthEscrowed
        118   78 00033300 TpmPrepForNgc
        119   79 00032290 TpmProvision
        120   7A 00031A40 TpmRemoveBlockedCommand
        121   7B 00033240 TpmRemoveRegisteredWindowsAIK
        122   7C 00031B00 TpmResetAuthLockOut
        123   7D 00030FD0 TpmResetSrkAuth
        124   7E 000333D0 TpmRetrieveEkCertOrReschedule
        125   7F 00043640 TpmRetrieveEkCertificate
        126   80 00043480 TpmRetrieveEkCertificateURL
        127   81 00033490 TpmRetrieveHealthCertOrReschedule
        128   82 000404F0 TpmRetrieveHealthCertificate
        129   83 000313D0 TpmSelfTest
        130   84 00032C30 TpmSetDictionaryAttackParameters
        131   85 0002E5F0 TpmSetInstance
        132   86 00031580 TpmSetPhysicalPresenceRequest
        133   87 00031640 TpmSetPhysicalPresenceRequestEx
        134   88 00033630 TpmSetToLegacyDictionaryAttackParameters
        135   89 0002F3C0 TpmSpecVersion_From_TpmVersionInfo
        136   8A 00030000 TpmTakeOwnership
        137   8B 00033930 TpmUnattendedSetup
        138   8C 00040D20 TpmVerifyDeviceHealth
        139   8D 000341E0 TpmWriteInformationSnapshotFile


        3000 .data
        1000 .didat
        8000 .pdata
       47000 .rdata
        2000 .reloc
        2000 .rsrc
       C6000 .text

Integridad de la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

Algorithm       Hash                                                                   Path                                                           
---------       ----                                                                   ----                                                           
SHA256          C2B85F45A988B9EB1F24E70EED0128B74A0CB4B3AADF30EA161D154918E6B0A2       C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll                    

Detalles sobre el fichero dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName       : TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
PSDrive           : C
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : False
Mode              : -a----
VersionInfo       : File:             C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
                    InternalName:     TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
                    OriginalFilename: TpmCoreProvisioning.dll.mui
                    FileVersion:      10.0.19041.561 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
                    FileDescription:  Biblioteca de aprovisionamiento de núcleo de TPM
                    Product:          Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows®
                    ProductVersion:   10.0.19041.561
                    Debug:            False
                    Patched:          False
                    PreRelease:       False
                    PrivateBuild:     False
                    SpecialBuild:     False
                    Language:         Español (España, internacional)
BaseName          : TpmCoreProvisioning
Target            : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-tpm-coreprovisioning_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.546_none_155de97ad51c6659\TpmCoreProvi
LinkType          : HardLink
Name              : TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
Length            : 1148416
DirectoryName     : C:\Windows\System32
Directory         : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly        : False
Exists            : True
FullName          : C:\Windows\System32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll
Extension         : .dll
CreationTime      : 21/11/2020 8:41:21
CreationTimeUtc   : 21/11/2020 7:41:21
LastAccessTime    : 03/12/2020 15:52:16
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 14:52:16
LastWriteTime     : 21/11/2020 8:41:21
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21/11/2020 7:41:21
Attributes        : Archive

Procesos que utilizan la dll TpmCoreProvisioning.dll