¿Para qué sirve la dll WmpDui.dll?
Windows Media Player UI EngineDependencias de la dll WmpDui.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
File Type: DLL
Image has the following dependencies:
Image has the following delay load dependencies:
5000 .data
1000 .didat
3000 .pdata
B000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
9000 .rsrc
42000 .text
Funciones que tiene la dll WmpDui.dll
7 0 0001E050 AddGadgetMessageHandler
8 1 00022090 AddLayeredRef
9 2 000222F0 AdjustClipInsideRef
10 3 00020FE0 AttachWndProcA
11 4 00021020 AttachWndProcW
12 5 00001F40 AutoTrace
13 6 000026F0 BuildAnimation
14 7 00002800 BuildDropTarget
15 8 00002540 BuildInterpolation
16 9 000033D0 CacheDWriteRenderTarget
17 A 00003350 ChangeCurrentAnimationScenario
18 B 0001AD50 ClearPushedOpacitiesFromGadgetTree
19 C 000031A0 ClearTopmostVisual
20 D 00021100 CreateAction
21 E 0001AEB0 CreateGadget
22 F 00002F30 CustomGadgetHitTestQuery
23 10 00020D40 DUserBuildGadget
24 11 00020E50 DUserCastClass
25 12 00020EF0 DUserCastDirect
1 13 00020F30 DUserCastHandle
2 14 0001AA40 DUserDeleteGadget
26 15 00020CC0 DUserFindClass
27 16 0001DC40 DUserFlushDeferredMessages
28 17 0001DCD0 DUserFlushMessages
29 18 00003E80 DUserGetAlphaPRID
30 19 00020F50 DUserGetGutsData
31 1A 00003E90 DUserGetRectPRID
32 1B 00003EA0 DUserGetRotatePRID
33 1C 00003EB0 DUserGetScalePRID
34 1D 00020DB0 DUserInstanceOf
35 1E 0001D610 DUserPostEvent
36 1F 0001D510 DUserPostMethod
37 20 00020AA0 DUserRegisterGuts
38 21 00020B80 DUserRegisterStub
39 22 00020C60 DUserRegisterSuper
40 23 0001D400 DUserSendEvent
41 24 0001D300 DUserSendMethod
42 25 00004B80 DUserStopAnimation
43 26 00003060 DUserStopPVLAnimation
44 27 0001A7D0 DeleteHandle
45 28 00003010 DestroyPendingDCVisuals
46 29 00002CE0 DetachGadgetVisuals
47 2A 00021060 DetachWndProc
48 2B 0001B1D0 DisableContainerHwnd
49 2C 00001C30 DllMain
50 2D 000208F0 DrawGadgetTree
51 2E 00002A70 EnsureAnimationsEnabled
52 2F 000029F0 EnsureGadgetTransInitialized
53 30 0001F040 EnumGadgets
54 31 0001F810 FindGadgetFromPoint
55 32 0001DEE0 FindGadgetMessages
56 33 00021A00 FindStdColor
57 34 0001D710 FireGadgetMessages
58 35 000206E0 ForwardGadgetMessage
59 36 00022C60 FreeGdiDxInteropStagingBuffer
60 37 00022430 GadgetTransCompositionChanged
61 38 00002AF0 GadgetTransSettingChanged
62 39 000211F0 GetActionTimeslice
63 3A 00003480 GetCachedDWriteRenderTarget
64 3B 0001B230 GetDUserModule
65 3C 00002060 GetDebug
66 3D 000032B0 GetFinalAnimatingPosition
67 3E 0001FF50 GetGadget
68 3F 00002780 GetGadgetAnimation
69 40 00022710 GetGadgetBitmap
70 41 0001C4A0 GetGadgetBufferInfo
71 42 0001C1A0 GetGadgetCenterPoint
72 43 0001E900 GetGadgetFlags
73 44 0001B240 GetGadgetFocus
74 45 0001C7D0 GetGadgetLayerInfo
75 46 000203D0 GetGadgetMessageFilter
76 47 0001EB60 GetGadgetProperty
77 48 0001F370 GetGadgetRect
78 49 0001CE20 GetGadgetRgn
79 4A 0001CFE0 GetGadgetRootInfo
80 4B 0001BEA0 GetGadgetRotation
81 4C 0001BBA0 GetGadgetScale
82 4D 0001F220 GetGadgetSize
83 4E 0001E430 GetGadgetStyle
84 4F 00021DA0 GetGadgetTicket
85 50 00002B60 GetGadgetVisual
86 51 0001D880 GetMessageExA
87 52 0001D930 GetMessageExW
3 53 00021620 GetStdColorBrushF
88 54 000214E0 GetStdColorBrushI
4 55 00021470 GetStdColorF
89 56 00021420 GetStdColorI
90 57 000219B0 GetStdColorName
5 58 00021890 GetStdColorPenF
91 59 00021740 GetStdColorPenI
92 5A 00021A80 GetStdPalette
93 5B 0001A6C0 InitGadgetComponent
94 5C 0001A650 InitGadgets
95 5D 00020090 InvalidateGadget
96 5E 00020230 InvalidateLayeredDescendants
97 5F 0001B6B0 IsGadgetParentChainStyle
98 60 0001ACA0 IsInsideContext
99 61 0001AB90 IsStartDelete
100 62 00021F90 LookupGadgetTicket
101 63 0001F970 MapGadgetPoints
102 64 0001D9E0 PeekMessageExA
103 65 0001DAB0 PeekMessageExW
104 66 0001DD60 RegisterGadgetMessage
105 67 0001DE10 RegisterGadgetMessageString
106 68 0001EA20 RegisterGadgetProperty
107 69 00002DB0 ReleaseDetachedObjects
108 6A 000221C0 ReleaseLayeredRef
109 6B 0001CCC0 ReleaseMouseCapture
110 6C 000031E0 RemoveClippingImmunityFromVisual
111 6D 0001E240 RemoveGadgetMessageHandler
112 6E 0001EEA0 RemoveGadgetProperty
113 6F 00022AE0 ResetDUserDevice
114 70 00002880 ScheduleGadgetTransitions
115 71 00021310 SetActionTimeslice
116 72 000228C0 SetAtlasingHints
117 73 0001C600 SetGadgetBufferInfo
118 74 0001C2E0 SetGadgetCenterPoint
119 75 0001BA00 SetGadgetFillF
120 76 0001B830 SetGadgetFillI
121 77 0001E730 SetGadgetFlags
122 78 0001B320 SetGadgetFocus
123 79 0001B4F0 SetGadgetFocusEx
124 7A 0001C7D0 SetGadgetLayerInfo
125 7B 00020500 SetGadgetMessageFilter
126 7C 0001FB50 SetGadgetOrder
127 7D 0001FD50 SetGadgetParent
128 7E 0001ECB0 SetGadgetProperty
129 7F 0001F4C0 SetGadgetRect
130 80 0001D130 SetGadgetRootInfo
131 81 0001BFF0 SetGadgetRotation
132 82 0001BCE0 SetGadgetScale
133 83 0001E550 SetGadgetStyle
134 84 000229C0 SetHardwareDeviceUsage
135 85 00003530 SetMinimumDCompVersion
136 86 000225C0 SetRestoreCachedLayeredRefFlag
137 87 00002940 SetTransitionVisualProperties
138 88 0001F6E0 SetWindowResizeFlag
139 89 0001DE40 UnregisterGadgetMessage
140 8A 0001DE10 UnregisterGadgetMessageString
141 8B 0001EAC0 UnregisterGadgetProperty
142 8C 00021AF0 UtilBuildFont
143 8D 00021CB0 UtilDrawBlendRect
6 8E 00021CC0 UtilDrawOutlineRect
144 8F 00021CD0 UtilGetColor
145 90 00021A90 UtilSetBackground
146 91 0001DB70 WaitMessageEx
Información avanzada sobre funciones que tiene la dll WmpDui.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for wmpdui.dll
00000000 characteristics
BD37AF40 time date stamp
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
146 number of functions
146 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
7 0 0001E050 AddGadgetMessageHandler
8 1 00022090 AddLayeredRef
9 2 000222F0 AdjustClipInsideRef
10 3 00020FE0 AttachWndProcA
11 4 00021020 AttachWndProcW
12 5 00001F40 AutoTrace
13 6 000026F0 BuildAnimation
14 7 00002800 BuildDropTarget
15 8 00002540 BuildInterpolation
16 9 000033D0 CacheDWriteRenderTarget
17 A 00003350 ChangeCurrentAnimationScenario
18 B 0001AD50 ClearPushedOpacitiesFromGadgetTree
19 C 000031A0 ClearTopmostVisual
20 D 00021100 CreateAction
21 E 0001AEB0 CreateGadget
22 F 00002F30 CustomGadgetHitTestQuery
23 10 00020D40 DUserBuildGadget
24 11 00020E50 DUserCastClass
25 12 00020EF0 DUserCastDirect
1 13 00020F30 DUserCastHandle
2 14 0001AA40 DUserDeleteGadget
26 15 00020CC0 DUserFindClass
27 16 0001DC40 DUserFlushDeferredMessages
28 17 0001DCD0 DUserFlushMessages
29 18 00003E80 DUserGetAlphaPRID
30 19 00020F50 DUserGetGutsData
31 1A 00003E90 DUserGetRectPRID
32 1B 00003EA0 DUserGetRotatePRID
33 1C 00003EB0 DUserGetScalePRID
34 1D 00020DB0 DUserInstanceOf
35 1E 0001D610 DUserPostEvent
36 1F 0001D510 DUserPostMethod
37 20 00020AA0 DUserRegisterGuts
38 21 00020B80 DUserRegisterStub
39 22 00020C60 DUserRegisterSuper
40 23 0001D400 DUserSendEvent
41 24 0001D300 DUserSendMethod
42 25 00004B80 DUserStopAnimation
43 26 00003060 DUserStopPVLAnimation
44 27 0001A7D0 DeleteHandle
45 28 00003010 DestroyPendingDCVisuals
46 29 00002CE0 DetachGadgetVisuals
47 2A 00021060 DetachWndProc
48 2B 0001B1D0 DisableContainerHwnd
49 2C 00001C30 DllMain
50 2D 000208F0 DrawGadgetTree
51 2E 00002A70 EnsureAnimationsEnabled
52 2F 000029F0 EnsureGadgetTransInitialized
53 30 0001F040 EnumGadgets
54 31 0001F810 FindGadgetFromPoint
55 32 0001DEE0 FindGadgetMessages
56 33 00021A00 FindStdColor
57 34 0001D710 FireGadgetMessages
58 35 000206E0 ForwardGadgetMessage
59 36 00022C60 FreeGdiDxInteropStagingBuffer
60 37 00022430 GadgetTransCompositionChanged
61 38 00002AF0 GadgetTransSettingChanged
62 39 000211F0 GetActionTimeslice
63 3A 00003480 GetCachedDWriteRenderTarget
64 3B 0001B230 GetDUserModule
65 3C 00002060 GetDebug
66 3D 000032B0 GetFinalAnimatingPosition
67 3E 0001FF50 GetGadget
68 3F 00002780 GetGadgetAnimation
69 40 00022710 GetGadgetBitmap
70 41 0001C4A0 GetGadgetBufferInfo
71 42 0001C1A0 GetGadgetCenterPoint
72 43 0001E900 GetGadgetFlags
73 44 0001B240 GetGadgetFocus
74 45 0001C7D0 GetGadgetLayerInfo
75 46 000203D0 GetGadgetMessageFilter
76 47 0001EB60 GetGadgetProperty
77 48 0001F370 GetGadgetRect
78 49 0001CE20 GetGadgetRgn
79 4A 0001CFE0 GetGadgetRootInfo
80 4B 0001BEA0 GetGadgetRotation
81 4C 0001BBA0 GetGadgetScale
82 4D 0001F220 GetGadgetSize
83 4E 0001E430 GetGadgetStyle
84 4F 00021DA0 GetGadgetTicket
85 50 00002B60 GetGadgetVisual
86 51 0001D880 GetMessageExA
87 52 0001D930 GetMessageExW
3 53 00021620 GetStdColorBrushF
88 54 000214E0 GetStdColorBrushI
4 55 00021470 GetStdColorF
89 56 00021420 GetStdColorI
90 57 000219B0 GetStdColorName
5 58 00021890 GetStdColorPenF
91 59 00021740 GetStdColorPenI
92 5A 00021A80 GetStdPalette
93 5B 0001A6C0 InitGadgetComponent
94 5C 0001A650 InitGadgets
95 5D 00020090 InvalidateGadget
96 5E 00020230 InvalidateLayeredDescendants
97 5F 0001B6B0 IsGadgetParentChainStyle
98 60 0001ACA0 IsInsideContext
99 61 0001AB90 IsStartDelete
100 62 00021F90 LookupGadgetTicket
101 63 0001F970 MapGadgetPoints
102 64 0001D9E0 PeekMessageExA
103 65 0001DAB0 PeekMessageExW
104 66 0001DD60 RegisterGadgetMessage
105 67 0001DE10 RegisterGadgetMessageString
106 68 0001EA20 RegisterGadgetProperty
107 69 00002DB0 ReleaseDetachedObjects
108 6A 000221C0 ReleaseLayeredRef
109 6B 0001CCC0 ReleaseMouseCapture
110 6C 000031E0 RemoveClippingImmunityFromVisual
111 6D 0001E240 RemoveGadgetMessageHandler
112 6E 0001EEA0 RemoveGadgetProperty
113 6F 00022AE0 ResetDUserDevice
114 70 00002880 ScheduleGadgetTransitions
115 71 00021310 SetActionTimeslice
116 72 000228C0 SetAtlasingHints
117 73 0001C600 SetGadgetBufferInfo
118 74 0001C2E0 SetGadgetCenterPoint
119 75 0001BA00 SetGadgetFillF
120 76 0001B830 SetGadgetFillI
121 77 0001E730 SetGadgetFlags
122 78 0001B320 SetGadgetFocus
123 79 0001B4F0 SetGadgetFocusEx
124 7A 0001C7D0 SetGadgetLayerInfo
125 7B 00020500 SetGadgetMessageFilter
126 7C 0001FB50 SetGadgetOrder
127 7D 0001FD50 SetGadgetParent
128 7E 0001ECB0 SetGadgetProperty
129 7F 0001F4C0 SetGadgetRect
130 80 0001D130 SetGadgetRootInfo
131 81 0001BFF0 SetGadgetRotation
132 82 0001BCE0 SetGadgetScale
133 83 0001E550 SetGadgetStyle
134 84 000229C0 SetHardwareDeviceUsage
135 85 00003530 SetMinimumDCompVersion
136 86 000225C0 SetRestoreCachedLayeredRefFlag
137 87 00002940 SetTransitionVisualProperties
138 88 0001F6E0 SetWindowResizeFlag
139 89 0001DE40 UnregisterGadgetMessage
140 8A 0001DE10 UnregisterGadgetMessageString
141 8B 0001EAC0 UnregisterGadgetProperty
142 8C 00021AF0 UtilBuildFont
143 8D 00021CB0 UtilDrawBlendRect
6 8E 00021CC0 UtilDrawOutlineRect
144 8F 00021CD0 UtilGetColor
145 90 00021A90 UtilSetBackground
146 91 0001DB70 WaitMessageEx
5000 .data
1000 .didat
3000 .pdata
B000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
9000 .rsrc
42000 .text
Integridad de la dll WmpDui.dll
Algorithm Hash Path
--------- ---- ----
SHA256 82B9FB53C3D25E4CA9370723C532AB894929C27CB1BB5E83C65A8E6DEB9CC2E6 C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
Detalles sobre el fichero dll WmpDui.dll
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32
PSChildName : WmpDui.dll
PSDrive : C
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer : False
Mode : -a----
VersionInfo : File: C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
InternalName: WMPDUI
OriginalFilename: WMPDUI.DLL.MUI
FileVersion: 12.0.19041.561 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
FileDescription: Windows Media Player UI Engine
Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion: 12.0.19041.561
Debug: False
Patched: False
PreRelease: False
PrivateBuild: False
SpecialBuild: False
Language: Español (España, internacional)
BaseName : WmpDui
Target : {C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-wmpdui_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_12c29d7ca1405b69\WmpDui.dll}
LinkType : HardLink
Name : WmpDui.dll
Length : 373248
DirectoryName : C:\Windows\System32
Directory : C:\Windows\System32
IsReadOnly : False
Exists : True
FullName : C:\Windows\System32\WmpDui.dll
Extension : .dll
CreationTime : 07/12/2019 10:10:11
CreationTimeUtc : 07/12/2019 9:10:11
LastAccessTime : 03/12/2020 17:47:02
LastAccessTimeUtc : 03/12/2020 16:47:02
LastWriteTime : 07/12/2019 15:58:12
LastWriteTimeUtc : 07/12/2019 14:58:12
Attributes : Archive
Procesos que utilizan la dll WmpDui.dll